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VESC Firmware

Custom made VESC hardware fail to flash firmware

Submitted by jordanlow on Wed, 2024-05-08 11:40

Hi, I have made a custom VESC hardware based on VESC 4 hardware and I manage to get ready build firmware from BLDC 5.03. The only problem, I could not download the firmware to the hardware with original St-link V3 and St-link V2 anymore. Is anyone face this issue before? I was able to read the chip information too.

send adc_voltage and digital inputs via CAN

Submitted by dpeinado on Mon, 2024-04-15 16:17

Hello all. I have a dual VESC 6 controller. I need several ADC inputs as well as digital inputs, so I have not enought in the master controller. I want to use the slave controller inputs, but send their values to the master controller for the control algorithm.

I've seen  different funtions like io_board_adc_values *comm_can_get_io_board_adc_1_4_id, but this function gives you the data stored in io_board_adc_1_4. This function is in comm_can.c


Submitted by macglen on Wed, 2024-03-27 22:45

I am getting these errors when i try to use a focbox and version 6.02:

"The connected VESC has newer firmware than this version of VESC Tool supports. It is recommended that you update VESC Tool to the latest version. Alternatively, the firmware on the connected VESC can be downgraded in the firmware page. Until then, limited communication mode will be used."

Brake power weak

Submitted by csicso on Wed, 2024-03-27 12:31


I have an R/C car, it uses direct drive, so no transmission ratio. The motors (400kV) are set to use 40A on driving, it works like charm, the brake power is -25A and it's very weak. The max regen value is -5A but I'd like to reduce it to zero, because in the car I don't have any BMS. How can I achieve larger brake force? Increase the regen ampers? Thanks

Multi-Turn Position Control with ABI incremental encoder

Submitted by Devanshu on Mon, 2024-03-18 04:01

Hey, the project I am currently working on requires multi-turn position control using ABI encoder, i.e., if I input +900° then it should make 2 complete turns and one half turn to stop at 900° = 720° + 180° in forward direction and if I input -900° then it should make 2 complete turns and one half turn to stop at -900° = -720° - 180° in reverse direction. If there is any feature available in any version or any firmware of VESC it would be great, I had tried a few things by myself but failed in task of implementing pid control for multi-turn.

self-built FW does not work properly with VESC Tool?

Submitted by Jackl on Sun, 2024-03-17 21:32

Hi there,

I am trying to do some FW modifications and test some temperature-sensor related things.

So far, most things seems to work. I am able to build fw with for example "make 75_300_r2_no_limits". I am flashing the FW with a ST-Link directly.

It basically works and I am able to control the motor via the VESC-Tool, eg. current commands, etc. What does not work yet:

Firmware Compatibility Issue with Custom 75_300 Based Hardware

Submitted by kevin458 on Wed, 2024-02-28 19:55

Hello everyone,

I've developed my own hardware based on the 75_300 design, with the only modification being the shunt resistor values. Originally, the design used 500uohm resistors in a 3-parallel configuration, but I've changed these to 400uohm resistors. Apart from this alteration, all other hardware components remain unchanged.

BEMF glitches

Submitted by ProgramThyself on Thu, 2024-02-08 20:27

Running a new VESC 6 EDU w/ stock firmware.

-> fwinfo
GIT Branch: release_6_03
GIT Hash : f7c2b34e
Compiler : 7.3.1

The default Zero Vector Frequency of 30 kHz has glitchy BEMF (sampled data graph) and runs rougher.  20 kHz is cleaner and quieter.


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