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VESC Firmware

Bypass NRF Pairing

Submitted by Dimitri on Wed, 2017-09-20 09:35

I'm just trying to use my own little custom remote using an NRF chip, with VESC 6

i modifed the: nrf_driver.c and few other files to make them compatible, but doesn't seem to work so far..

In the VESC Tool, there is a pairing process required, so that the remote ID and parameters, will be loaded into the VESC so they can communicate.

(i also know how, there is software available on vedder's github for a remote, which is fantastic, but i want my own one :-)

How to interpret the result of "last_adc_duration" (terminal command)?

Submitted by RSR on Fri, 2017-09-08 15:55

It reports e.g.:  "Latest injected ADC duration: 0.0253 ms". 

FOC 20kHz PWM, and sampling in vectors V0 and V7, means interrupts come at 40kHz, right? 

         40*0.0253 > 1    

Does that mean interrupt overload/overrun and that I should reduce PWM freq?    How to detect overload?

By the way: RT-app works only sometimes...  can that be related to MCU overload?

Limiting of throttle curves has no effect

Submitted by Ackmaniac on Thu, 2017-09-07 17:21

The truncation of the val for the throttle curve has no effect because the absolute of it (val_a) is defined previously. So the truncation should be done before val_a is created.

float throttle_curve(float val, float curve_acc, float curve_brake, int mode) {
    float ret = 0.0;
    float val_a = fabsf(val); <-WRONG HERE

    if (val < -1.0) {
        val = -1.0;

    if (val > 1.0) {
        val = 1.0;


VESC4.12 new fmw issue

Submitted by jsy070913 on Thu, 2017-09-07 04:26

It seems like first detection stuck the motor for some reason, so it won't be able to detect from the first place!
U first need to set up the app, PPM for me. write default motor setting than run the motor a bit.
Than come back to motor detection! It works in both BLDC and FOC now,

Update, FOC is detected but not working, for bizar reason it shorts the motor and making tiny sound. does not respond to ppm... well BLDC for a while I guess 


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