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VESC Firmware

Dual motor control on VESC6 / 6.00.58

Submitted by jediengineer on Mon, 2022-10-10 19:21

I need to be able to control 2 motors simultaneously using VESC for an RC vehicle. I'm currently using an STM32F407 and VESC firmware version 6.00.58 to do this. Right now, I can get one motor at a time to spin, but I can't figure out how to get both to spin simultaneously at different speeds or directions. 

The software has a flag for enabling dual motor support, and we can control two motors, but not simultaneously independently (simultaneous run, independent speed/direction). Based on that I designed around the STM32F407 using the VESC6_Plus schematic.

Cruise Control Questions

Submitted by piopi0 on Sat, 2022-09-24 03:56

I'm running a VESC6 on the V5.3 firmware. My throttle is set up as "ADC + UART" and I am using "Current no reverse Brake Center". According to this post I should be able to use a button connected to PPM to use control cruise control. However, despite trying pull-up and pull-down button configurations connected to PPM I've had no luck getting the feature to work.

Does anyone have any information regarding the feature? It seems like support may have been removed in newer firmware or limited to the NRF controller?

Current sign varies between motors

Submitted by vadimz on Fri, 2022-08-26 11:24

Observing a very strange behavior running VESC6 with small motors (TMotor MN4010, Faulhaber BX4)

When running idle without load, the motors showing different current signs - positive on MN4010, negative on BX4. Negative current and negative power implies generator mode, which is definitely not the case here - motor is running idle at constant RPM without any external torque source.


So any ideas what might be going on here ?



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