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VESC Firmware

Cannot downgrade from beta firmware

Submitted by CasperK on Tue, 2022-08-16 16:56

I've purchased a VESC 6 75V and it came with beta firmware 6.0 (status beta 56). The VESC software complains that I have to downgrade the firmware or upgrade the VESC software. Since there's no newer version of the software available, I need to downgrade the firmware. When I go to the firmware page, it shows all available versions as long as I don't connect to the VESC. But in order to download the firmware, I must first connect to the VESC, but as soon as I do that the list with available versions is cleared.

error firmware BMS

Submitted by Sebastiangeitne... on Mon, 2022-08-15 21:36

Hello, from germany.

I need some help. I own a new trampa board with 2x vesc 6 mk VI and the PCB 21700 IiIon battery pack with BMS. 

I wanted to try the silent hfi and might have made a mistake when changing the firmware. 

Now the regular firmware has been loaded onto both vescs again, but i did not receive live data from the BMS. Both vescs are listed but the BMS is missing under Can Device [BmS (12s7p)]. I hope someone can help me Greetz Sebastian

VESC - HIL / DRV8301 SPI - Problems?

Submitted by mm_iem on Tue, 2022-08-09 12:34

Hello all,

I am are currently building a HIL system. The aim is to have the microcontroller of the VESC in the system and to supply it with simulated current and voltage measurements.

I wondered whether the DRV8301 could be a problem here, since the microcontroller of the VESC communicates with the DRV8301 via SPI.

The DRV8301 will not appear in this setup.

Does anyone know if the latest firmware works even if the DRV8301 is not in the system? So the communication to the DRV is missing?

Hope anyone can help me a bit out here.

VESC Remote - Input Deadband setting causing severe input delay as well as changing deadband

Submitted by agraham on Wed, 2022-07-13 07:41

I've had this issue for the longest time where if I plug my Flipsky VX1 remote into my Focbox Unity or my Lacroix Stormcore ESCs it works fine.

This is a video that shows what happens if I crank the throttle wheel all the way to the top and immediately release:

FSESC75200 stopped work after firmware update

Submitted by julia borisova on Thu, 2022-07-07 15:11

I've bought controller Flipsky FSESC75200 and started configuring it with vesc_tool_3.0. Vesc software detects not latest, but compatible firmware. Motor connected to controller rotates smoothly and silently in Duty Sweep Experiment. Hardware version is VESC_75_300_R3. Then I updated firmware to latest version, motor stopped working properly, it jerks back and forth, but does not rotate continuously.

Could you recommend another firmware versions that I can try?

iq sign reversal at high RPM (was: Duty cycle jumps to maximum when *lowering* current limit)

Submitted by vadimz on Thu, 2022-06-23 14:00

In our robotics-like application we use RPM mode while adjusting current limit - we customized it to allow dynamic modification of the limit by terminal command. I noticed that if the current limit is set below the actual current, the duty cycle jumps to the highest value (95%) and stays there.

For instance, say current limit is set to 1 Amp, and the motor is spinning at 1000 ERPM drawing 0.3 Amp. If I change the limit to 0.2 Amp, the duty cycle jumps to 95% and motor speeds up to max.

Any ideas ?

ADC modified app, problem with braking

Submitted by dpeinado on Wed, 2022-06-22 19:30


I'm coding an app based on ADC. It uses Current no reverse brake center Mode with a hand throttle.

The idea is that when you release the hand throttle, the VESC brakes (the ADC app does it quite well), and if a movement is detected after a time out, then it brakes until the vehicle is stopped. 

The code I did works quite well except in one case. If the motors are running at higher velocity than the maximum (because a slope for instance) then the initial braking does not work at all. With the ADC app it does, but with mine does not.

NRF52832 firmware issues

Submitted by Tumblebeer on Wed, 2022-06-15 14:49

I'm trying to get a 2608011024010 module working on a custom vesc.


The issue I have is that the module uses other pins for RX/TX than the standard firmwares. I can't for the life of me figure out how to build a custom NRF52 firmware.

Does anyone have a guide on how to build a firmware for the NRF52? Or have a .bin with the correct pin assignments?



Initial startup time

Submitted by rxty on Thu, 2022-06-02 18:38

Hi together!

I have been googling around for some time now, as well as looking (not too deep) over the firmware source code, but did not find my answer...

It seems like the VESCs take around 5 secs. until they respond to anything (CAN bus, VESC tool USBUART connection, etc). What (and where) is the source of this behaviour?
My goal is to have an almost instant startup, maybe it can be set somewhere i didn't look before.

I am using different HW, old VESCs and also Flipsky, and different (also the newest) Firmware 5.03


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