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VESC Firmware

Docker container to build custom Firmware - with parent v5.2

Submitted by Daniel... on Sat, 2023-09-16 22:00


I have the Flipsky Dual FSESC 4.20 Plus but had some trouble making custom firmware on my Windows machine.
So, I made a docker image that hopefully some of you can get some use out of.
More details on my post.

Hope this helps some of you.

100_250_mkiii official release

Submitted by hugros on Mon, 2023-08-07 15:40

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to adapt a custom firmware that used to work with 100_250_MK2 Trampa board to make work on a 100_250_MK3 board.

I'm having trouble finding the official release 6.02 for this board to use it has rebase point for my custom app.

I found the HW 100_250_mkiii: VESC_default.bin in VESC tool under firmware/archive/6.02

But the branch release_6_02 from git hub do not have the 100_250_mkiii files, they have been added three month later.

new to vesc having all sorts of problems

Submitted by Nic.karpik on Mon, 2023-07-24 00:04

little background. 

initially had an issue with motors turning off when throttle hit 100% for 1 or 2 seconds. re ran the motor detection wizard and this issue went away but now i have new problems.


esc is a makerx dv4s

motors are from a boosted board. 

with the board powered up if i turn on the remote for the first time the motors kick on for a second. not huge problem but potentially a sign of other issues. 

ADC and UART app - input priorities?

Submitted by DaRho on Mon, 2023-07-17 17:01


I'm working on upgrading my e-bike setup from KT controller to VESC.

I'm having a single wire PAS and created a small arduino circuit, that would read it via its' own ADC and send data over CAN to VESC, to set a current when pedaling is detected, and stop, when pedaling stops, so simple pedal-assist function. That is a beginning of a bigger project, but for now I'm checking the basics.

I also added a twist throttle and connected it to ADC1 on VESC.

The custom PAS circuit works ok when only UART app is selected on VESC.

adding PAS feature on Firmware 5.01

Submitted by marc426 on Sat, 2023-07-15 23:56

Hi all,

I've been desperately trying to add the PAS feature on my Vesc 6 MK3.

First problem (solved I think) I've downloaded VESC 6.02 and tried to put back the FW 5.01  but it didn't let me even through the archive (probably since I had a custom firmware on it).

Now, when I connect to my VESC, motor runs fine and everything is ok but the PAS feature disapears in the APP selection choice.

From what I understand, I might have to compile a custome 5.01 by uncommenting some lines, is that the only thing to do?


PPM over CAN

Submitted by joeker24 on Mon, 2023-07-03 11:15

Hi all,

I've been looking though the CAN docs and the "comm_can.c" file and cant find a way to control the PPM though a CAN message. Is this feature been implemented if not is there a plan to implement it? Happy to give it a go if not supported. I have a RC car with a vesc speed controller and want to controll both speed and direction with the CAN bus. 



vesc disconnected during detection

Submitted by TonyYuan on Mon, 2023-06-26 09:17


I can run "RL" and "Lambda" detection in the "Motor Settings"->"FOC" tab successfully.  During the "Lambda" detection process, the motor does spin.  

The problem is when I try to

"Wizards" -> "Setup Motors FOC" then, after hearing some sound, "VESC Disconnected During Detection"

I checked the voltage for the MCU, there is no obvious drop during the detection. For my case, it's not a MOSFET related issue. 



in conf_general.c


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