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VESC Firmware

Turn on VESC via CAN Message

Submitted by castiaum on Thu, 2022-06-02 12:17

I would like to suggest/discuss a new feature request for the VESC: being able to boot the VESC up via a CAN command.

From my analysis of the source code, my understanding is that the CAN bus is made active whenever power is enabled on the VESC device. Stormcore devices will boot up using an external button or when kickstarting the scooter.

problem with FOC current controller

Submitted by masifsr on Sat, 2022-05-28 21:34

Hi everyone,

I am working on BLDC motor FOC control. I am developing firmware based on VESC firmware. But i am having some problem with Vq value that keeps on increasing.

I have recorded the following waveforms.

ia,ib,ic values as shown in the figure-1.(When motor is running at 40 rpm).

Request for Example: Can communication with Libcanard

Submitted by WoofyBunny on Fri, 2022-05-13 03:44

I have a python script that i'm using to interface with several VESCs. It's currently using pyuavcan v0. After some testing, it has become clear that python is inadequately equipped to deal with the timings required, and that I need to upgrade to c++.  With the recent naming update with uavcan into dronecan / libcanard / pyuavcan / cyphal, i have become very confused as to the easiest way to write a c++ application to interface with VESCs, and which library or service i should use to accomplish this..

adiv5.h adiv5_dp_abort function confusion

Submitted by dsppower on Sun, 2022-05-08 19:26

I am a newer for VESC.  Compiler can not pass when I migration to IAR in adiv5_dp_abort function.  This function should return a value, but it defined void. I'm not sure the influence, but it maybe cause error discard in some case.

static inline void adiv5_dp_abort(struct ADIv5_DP_s *dp, uint32_t abort)
    return dp->abort(dp, abort);

Dual Vesc reading second wheel RPM

Submitted by rdavenport3 on Tue, 2022-05-03 15:32

Hello, I am testing out arduino control of a dual VESC. UART connection to the master is working well. I am defining this as the COMM port that I originally paired with the remote. I am preparing a test to see what the other COMM port responds to when asking for wheel speed RPM. Both motors have hall sensors.


Controller bricked after firmware update how to recover

Submitted by ardillolambo on Sat, 2022-04-30 15:31


I Have flipsky 75100 controller that appears to be bricked, it flashes blue and red after a firmware "update". Can't find anywhere the trouble codes for the LED lights. 

The controller was working before the update firmware. Any help on how to recover will be appreciated.

CAN sends error frame

Submitted by dgarciasoto on Wed, 2022-04-27 07:11


I'm communicating with the VESCs using CAN, sending RPM commands. I send them at 100hz

If I send very slow speeds or zero the VESC doesn't have enough power to move that slow and sends error frames on the CAN bus.

The microcontroller I'm using enters bus-off mode because of that and disables CAN communication until I reset it.

How can I make the VESC not send error frames in this situation?

The selected file is too large to be a firmware.

Submitted by vinci on Wed, 2022-04-20 18:50

I was trying to upload a customized firmware(simply adding servo ouput from can-bus signal) on my VESC6 mk5.

I followed the instructions from bldc github (

I tried both vesc_tool_3.0 and vesc_tool_3.1, but the results are the same "The selected file is too large to be a firmware."

Does anyone have the same problem? How do you solve it? 


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