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VESC Firmware

How much SRAM and Flash memory is needed to run the latest VESC firmware/software?

WackoKacko's picture
Submitted by WackoKacko on Mon, 2023-02-06 14:22

I don't see how much storage space is used when writing to the board. Can I get a ballpark figure?

I know the STM32F405 has a Flash memory of 1Mb and an SRAM of 196Kb.

I'd be interested in getting VESC software running on the equally fast but less spacious STM32G431 (128Kb Flash, 32Kb SRAM).

To any helpful souls, thank you in advance!

Help needed compiling vesc express for esp32 mini D1

Submitted by mrendu43 on Sun, 2023-02-05 18:00


Im trying to compile vesc express firmware for my esp32 mini d1.

I managed to setup toolchain and get the code compiling but i get some error that i dont know how to solve.

Only change i have made is set target to esp32 insted of esp32c3.

here re the errors from command prompt.



Problems Compiling Firmware

Submitted by LB94 on Tue, 2022-11-29 00:08

I have been working with the VESC project for a short time and now I wanted to write my first own application. For this I followed all instructions of the Readme ( to compile the BLDC firmware on my Windows PC. However, I get the following error message every time I type 'make fw_60' or 'make 60' to compile the (original/unchanged) firmware:

VESC Tool Reporting RPM Different from Scope

Submitted by bayetan on Wed, 2022-11-02 15:39

Hello All,

I/m running VESC FW 5.02 and FS Dual 6.6 with an ABI Encoder on motor with 21 Poles.  The eRPM reported by VESC Tools is about 60 eRPM higher than value measured using a Logic Analyzer (using period of the Index channel).  That ~60 eRPM difference remains at higher RMP as well.  And the "Sensorless ERPM" on the Encoder Tab is set to 25,000.  I realize that's a small difference but I'm trying to control to very small speed and would like to know if anyone can get me some help resolving it.

eRPM reported by VESC Tools is 8000 eRPM


AdinAck's picture
Submitted by AdinAck on Thu, 2022-10-20 16:14

Hello, I am looking to design a VESC board for a Onewheel. I am trying to follow the VESC_6 schematic as best I can, but due to part shortages and the high voltage of a Onewheel battery, I have to make some changes.

The most major of which being that I cannot use the DRV8301. I noticed that the DRV832x is supported by VESC, does this mean the DRV835x is too? As they are basically the same chip with different supply voltage ratings?



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