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Currently almost all of the development for VESC Project is done by Benjamin alone in his spare time, in addition to working on his full-time job. There is not really enough income to support a full-time developer at this point, and buying hardware and tools required to support all sorts of motors and setups is quite expensive. Financially supporting the project helps a lot in moving things forwards, and there are a number of ways to do that:

Hopefully there will soon be partner programs for other vendors to support the VESC Project when making and selling compatible hardware, but it still requires some work to set that up.


Hi, I can not download the "vesc tool", even the paid version. Load the version in the cart and after pressing the "buy" button the cart is emptied but no messages are received and the software is not downloaded to the computer.

Luca Torani


qualcuno  ti ha contattato per darti la soluzione al problema , perché io sono nella stessa situazione

no lo se pero no soy capaz de descargar el vesc tool en windows



hola, me pasaba lo mismo y el problema era el navegador, en chrome era imposible y al probar con firefox puede comprarlo a la primera


ciao a tutti 

ho provato a scaricare il software free e non sono riuscito, ho fatto una donazione per il software bronzo, ma non ho ricevuto info.

devo caricare il firmware sui vesc ma non ci riesco e cosi sono limitati nel funzionamento.

qualcuno mi puo' aiutare?

es por el navegador, prueba con otro, yo lo hacia con chrome y en el momento de la compra aparecia el carrito vacio, probe con firefox y me funciona perfectamente.

hello,I want to know where can i buy the vesc6 software and hardware,I just only can find the bldc_4 software and hardware

no puedo descargar el programa vesc, cuando le doy a comprar desaparece la compra del carrito, cual es la solucion ??


Instructions for building tool for windows

1. approx 8 hours to build tool for windows
2. get Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 LTS(from in Download, burn ISO to Flash or DVD. Other Linux version will have problems with packages.
3. while installing Ubuntu 20.04.2 select yes to update while connected to internet.
4. after installing, login, lower left select Show Applications, find Terminal and click on it .
5. type in each line and hit enter below. Type in password when required or y to install software. (make qtbase takes about 4 hours)(./build_win takes about 50 minutes)

sudo apt-get install autoconf automake autopoint bash bison bzip2 flex gettext git g++ gperf intltool libffi-dev libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev libtool libltdl-dev libssl-dev libxml-parser-perl make openssl p7zip-full patch perl pkg-config python ruby scons sed unzip wget xz-utils g++-multilib libc6-dev-i386 libtool-bin lzip python-mako
cd /opt
sudo mkdir mxe2
sudo chown $USER mxe2
git clone mxe2
cd mxe2
make qtbase
make qtserialport
make qtconnectivity
make qtquickcontrols
make qtquickcontrols2
make qtserialbus
make qtlocation
make qtgamepad
make qtgraphicaleffects
cd /opt
sudo mkdir vesc2
sudo chown $USER vesc2
git clone vesc2
cd vesc2

6. to stop the screen lockout while building, lower left select Show Applications, select Settings, select Screen Lock, turn off Automatic Screen Lock.

paid for VESC tool but it wont download - says I have downloaded too many times - not happy. How do I contact the Administrator?!...


I know how to solve your problem.

Click "my account" -> "file".

It won't take any form of pay off of my PayPal. I've finished building my board, but I can renew. I think it's good to mention that I have a new computer as well.

Ke’Vionne Q. Robbins

It won't take any form of pay off of my PayPal. I've finished building my board, but I can renew. I think it's good to mention that I have a new computer as well.

Ke’Vionne Q. Robbins

Ciao, ho provato a scaricare il software, ma ogni volta mi butta fuori dal carello, senza permettermi di fare un download


Ciao, ho provato a scaricare il software, ma ogni volta mi butta fuori dal carello, senza permettermi di fare un download
