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Custom made VESC hardware fail to flash firmware

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Last seen: 10 months 5 days ago
Joined: 2018-11-22 16:31
Posts: 15
Custom made VESC hardware fail to flash firmware

Hi, I have made a custom VESC hardware based on VESC 4 hardware and I manage to get ready build firmware from BLDC 5.03. The only problem, I could not download the firmware to the hardware with original St-link V3 and St-link V2 anymore. Is anyone face this issue before? I was able to read the chip information too.

Last seen: 10 months 5 days ago
Joined: 2018-11-22 16:31
Posts: 15

Hi, for the problem above, turns out I need to disable the total power supply from DRV 8302 and power up through the ST link programmer ->3V3. Then the STM32F405GTR6 able to flash. Just leave it here in case anyone face the same problem.
