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Control type = Current No Reverse With Brake

Submitted by perpetum on Mon, 2020-11-02 05:00

I am new to VESC and I am trying to better understand the regenerative braking algorithm when Control type = Current No Reverse With Brake.  I believe that when this mode is set and the PPM input is less than the center the controller will give a current set point proportional to the PPM position.  The braking force is then proportional to the current set point times the motor torque constant.  I assume that the algorithm is controlling the PWM duty cycle to achieve that but is the voltage regulated somehow?

ADC throttle with braking

Submitted by adobe75 on Thu, 2020-10-29 02:26

I've hooked up a VESC 6 to a Xiaomi M365 hub motor and I'm getting good FOC control so far.

I connected the M365 throttle control to ADC1 and I have good mapping 0-100, using current control setting. I'm wondering though if there is a setting which applies regen braking when I let off the throttle, similar to original M365 regen, or similar to Tesla accelerator pedal.

Maybe I'm missing a setting somewhere. Thanks for any help.


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