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rpm fail in FOC sensor mode

Submitted by mansi712 on Thu, 2024-09-26 19:51


I am new to the topic of electric motors and controllers. For my project, I need to synchronize two propellers mounted on a rig both in terms of RPM and position. I am using the following components:
- Motors: 880KV T-Motors (AS2820 long shaft)
- Power Supplies: Separate power supplies for each motor, set at 12V and 20A
- VESC 6 electronic speed controllers

- I am only using the usb with laptop to run the motors.

I was able to run the motor in FOC sensorless mode and its giving proper rpm values.

Using UART for FSESC

Submitted by Kostya1875 on Thu, 2024-09-26 19:07

Hello, I am Konstantin. I bought a fsesc (3-12s Esc PWM Speed Controller Mini FSESC4.20 50A Base on VESC® 4.12 with Aluminum Anodized Heat Sink Flipsky) and it works very well with my motor (I used the arduino to controll it and the VescTool to see some graphs of the values), but now I have a problem. I need to get the values (like rpm, current...) using UART and not USB like before, but when I connect the FSESC to my Arduino and try to get the values, I always get empty data. Maybe you have a user guide or something like interface describtion.

Current mismatch between power supply and vesc tool

Submitted by mansi712 on Tue, 2024-09-24 13:02

Can someone please help me decode this below graph? I am really confused about all the parameters like Q current and D current I batt etc. I am running the vesc using a dc bench power supply and I do not see any of these values on power supply meter as both power supply and vesc tool show different current values. Also Ah Draw keeps increasing as i am running the motor. will my motors stop once Ah draw reaches a certain limit?

How do i set the settings for power supply?


Large robot servo controller with VESC, how to set up position control

Submitted by kisdia on Thu, 2024-09-19 17:47


I am struggling to set up position control using a POT.

Specifically we have a large robot with steering. The steering is done with a large brushless motor with a gearbox. Attached to the gearbox is a multi-turn encoder. Specifically this POT:

Can’t connect VESC tool to my ESC. Pls help

Submitted by Comeback10 on Mon, 2024-09-16 23:08

Hi, The throttle and power draw settings on my Flipsky 75350 are way off out of the box so I purchased the VESC Tool in hopes of being able to calibrate. I've tried both the windows version and the iOS with 2 separate cables and can't figure out how to connect VESC Tool/ESC. I am going to scan>scanBLE and nothing shows up. Very grateful for any help!! 

24 Volt LiFePO

Submitted by Vaxinius on Tue, 2024-09-10 16:34

Have an issue and am wondering how serious it is.

I bought a Renogy 24 volt lithium iron phosphate battery (RBT2425LFP) to work with a VESC EDU only now I see that the charging voltage of the LiFePO battery chemistry is up to 29 volts, and that the battery itself settles on a 100% charge state of 25.6 volts. Both of these values exceed "24" volts, but its technically a "24" volt battery used for 24 volt systems.


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