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Submitted by rodriguezjoe1@b... on Mon, 2020-09-07 17:50

Hi everyone. I purchased a Raptor 1 four years ago and got so fed up trying to program the Vesc that I put it in the garage for 4 years. I recently began reading articles to try and revive my 2 boards. I recently revived my Trampa mountain board after 4 years in the garage and that is working fine! I got the new VESC tool and found a bad drv chip on one of the the Raptor VESC, purchased a new VESC and updated the firmware on both. During motor set up I get a quick COG followed by what sounds like a "spinning or ringing" sound but the wheels are not moving.

Limit Max RPM on a Brushed Motor in DC Mode

Submitted by KirkusMaximus on Fri, 2020-09-04 02:52

Some of the cheap brushless ESCs have an option to control "Top Speed" with one Pot with another Pot controlling acceleration.  Given there is no good way to know motor RPM on a sensorless motor I'm wondering how this is achieved?   Given these cheap brushed 550 motors double their speed going from 12 to 24v, I'm wondering if there is a way to cap voltage (top speed) while not impacting the acceleration. 

I'm using Duty Cycle in the ADC Settings and DC settings are all default.

Thanks - Kirk

Hub motor stutters at low RPM

Submitted by winpark on Wed, 2020-09-02 00:53

I have a scooter hub motor. I set it up and it will spin fine at higher RPM but when it first receives input current it will get stuck/stutter until it reaches a certain point. It happens when there is no load and becomes even more of a problem when there is a load applied to it. 

Any thoughts on how to fix this?


IPM/Salient Motor Tuning

Submitted by SRFirefox on Wed, 2020-08-26 23:19

I recently picked up a pair of small automotive motors, which are IPM motors with large saliency as expected. Phase to phase inductance measured with an LCR meter is as high as 2400uH and as low as 1100uH depending on rotor position. Before IPM support officially comes out in the next tool/firmware release, is there any best practice for tuning the FOC parameters for best performance with this wide difference between Lq and Ld? Thanks

Tuning Advanced Settings For BLDC

Submitted by DjSourD on Wed, 2020-08-26 05:51


My first post here. It has been a fun journey so far getting familiar with the VESC ver4.12. I installed a larger than usual motor I see the VESC's used for into my Razor scooter. 

Although my setup runs good overall, I'm looking to understand how I can reduce some cogging at the low end which I find other threads mentioning about while using BLDC mode.

VESC Tool Android pairinglist reset with

Submitted by nice2cu on Sun, 2020-08-23 12:24



my LG mobile broken and i can only connect to my 75/300 with the Dongle.

My VESC is inside a waterproof Alubox and at moment i dont want open it to connect the VESC Tool PC with the USB cable.

It is possible to change the UUID or reset thos mode mith the App or over the App?

I can configure a TCP/IP Bridge over the App on Android, perhaps i can use those Connection with e Terminalsession to reset, but dont know how :-(


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