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VESC on an STM32F4 Discovery board

Submitted by sonnbc on Tue, 2020-10-06 06:55


I'm trying to play around with VESC firmware on an STM32F4 Discovery board (that uses an STM32f407VET6 MCU). My grand goal is to eventually build a separate power stage and use this board as "the brain" running VESC. However, I got stuck as the very first step: making VESC-Tool recognize the board. 

So far this is what I have done. There is no power stage, etc. yet. I'm just using the board itself:

Arduino UART max Current and max RPM setting

Submitted by h2omatt on Wed, 2020-09-30 23:49

I am working on a project where I would like to set the max rpm and max current. I was testing using the SolidGeek VescUART library. I was commanding setCurrent and then SetRPM in the main loop. it seems that when using setRPM the motor vesc defaults to its motor current max and overrides the setCurrent command. 

Do you guys have any thoughts on how to make this happen?

On MOSFET choice and replacement

DarioP's picture
Submitted by DarioP on Wed, 2020-09-30 14:11

In the product description of the VESC 6 MKIV I read:

In its development, no Mosfet switches were used - due to their tendency to eventually blow up. This saves on the additional costs of replacing them, & also adds to the longevity of the VESC 6 MKIV.

I thought "Cool! Maybe they went for IGBTs", however in the schematics I see that the H bridge is composed by six IRF7749 which are... MOSFETs!


disappointed with vesc mk6

Submitted by KCDEF on Mon, 2020-09-28 20:15

I have a robotics project, using 750Kv R/C truck motor that is more than capable of brief bursts to 200amps. The motor has plenty of power for the project but has to overcome very brief starting friction and spikes to 160amps. The Vesc wizard gives the motor a paltry 120amps max, which is a bummer because i purchased the Vesc mk6 for its percieved flexibility. Is there anyway around this? if not does anyone want to buy my vesc? 

VESC Wand shows INF and 100% Batt

BLKFLD's picture
Submitted by BLKFLD on Sat, 2020-09-26 04:48

Just set up my board for the first time and everything seems to be working great so far.

Only issue that I can see right now is the VESC wand shows INF and 100% on the battery and the plugged in icon is illuminated.

Set up:

VESC 6.4 Dual

Flipsky 6374

Torque Boards 12s4p

VESC wand


150mm wheels

I dont know how to link pictures. I tried linking an imgur but failed.

I have the report from the VESC tool:

motor 1/2

motor current: 65.53/64.34

Motor R: 13.97/ 14.50

Cannot connect to VESC via USB or SWD

Submitted by hagis on Wed, 2020-09-23 17:21


my VESC (ordered from Trampa) stopped working, basically from one day to another. The Blue LED is on, not the Green one. There is no short between 3v3 and GND. When connecting via USB, there is no notification about a new device (in dmesg, as with any other device and previously also VESC).

Following the advice in many posts, I tried to reflash the firmware using a SWD debugger. I happen to have a Segger JLink which I am using for other projects. But I could neither erase nor reprogram the Chip, due to some unspecified error.


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