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VESC Hardware Design For 4 in 1 Quadcopter ESC Board?

Submitted by aklimaj on Wed, 2021-01-06 22:55

Hello, I am looking into VESC as the base hardware and firmware design for a 4 in 1 ESC PCB for use in a custom quadcopter. I have designed BLDC ESCs in the past that used propreitary firmware. I like the open source nature of the VESC project.

I would like to know what I can slim down on the hardware to fit 4 ESCs on one board. Can I drop the current sensors for the 3 phases?

HALL-FOC---don't understand the mcpwm_foc_hall_detect() function

ConnerL's picture
Submitted by ConnerL on Wed, 2021-01-06 12:33


       All I know is that the  mcpwm_foc_hall_detect() function is used to calculate  the initial Angle of  the sector corresponding  to the HALL sensor. The results are stored in  hall_table[].

For the details,  there's something in the code of mcpwm_foc_hall_detect() that I don't understand:

 //--------------------------------------------code section-----------------------------------------------------

  // Forwards

    for (int i = 0;i < 3;i++) {

Control singular VESC using CAN-BUS and Arduino

Submitted by Cam on Wed, 2021-01-06 10:29

Hello, I am new to VESC and currently have troubles controlling my VESC with the CAN-BUS. I am using a sparkfun CAN-BUS Shield connected to an Arduino to send CAN messages to VESC for it to move the FOC motor.The arduino is able to send CAN messages to the VESC. On the VESC tool, the CAN analyzer idicates that the VESC is receving the CAN message. However, the motors don't move at all. An example of a CAN message I am sending over to the VESC is:

Extended ID: 0X00000900 , Data: FF FF F1 A6 0 D 0 B4 

How to reboot VESC from serial port

Submitted by Ivko on Mon, 2021-01-04 18:45


i have a problem  with Vesc 6.0 mounted on cablecam. After some time (havent understood why yet) the Vesc doesnt send anything ro motors.

i am controlling it through serial port and I am using VescUart library. I send Duty Cycle command and I read all the parameters.

When the Vesc stop working (no more motor control) it still gives me temperature readings through serial port.

I tried to connect Vesc Tool runnung on PC via USB-c and if I send reboot command it start working again.

How to reboot VESC from serial port

Submitted by Ivko on Mon, 2021-01-04 18:44


i have a problem  with Vesc 6.0 mounted on cablecam. After some time (havent understood why yet) the Vesc doesnt send anything ro motors.

i am controlling it through serial port and I am using VescUart library. I send Duty Cycle command and I read all the parameters.

When the Vesc stop working (no more motor control) it still gives me temperature readings through serial port.

I tried to connect Vesc Tool runnung on PC via USB-c and if I send reboot command it start working again.

Why not using interrupt for Hall signal detection?

Submitted by kuan on Sun, 2021-01-03 09:51

Hi Guys,

I'm working on a robot project and plan to improve the torque control function by adding inertia to the control system, as my understanding, the accurate output torque should add the acceleration * inertia part. and i have to had a stabled speed signal to get the usable acceleration signal.

Wheel speed over CANBUS

Submitted by paule on Tue, 2020-12-29 13:04


Hi, I'm trying to get the wheel speed over CANBUS - I have a Trampa Vesc 6 mk5, with an Ozo BROU-AGRI-2019 wheel. I can see that the CAN_PACKET_STATUS message has RPM but
this doesn't seem to tie back to approx speed (measured using a stopwatch and wheel radius!), even after accounting for the detected gear ratio.

Please can someone help explain what I'm doing wrong...and if there's an easier way of getting speed data out through the CANBUS?

Secondly, is there a way of getting Hall sensor data out through the CANBUS?


Hoverboard motors not spinning when manually controlled, work when doing hall test etc.

Submitted by VK2EVA on Fri, 2020-12-25 22:01

Hey all,


New to VESC, I'm trying to use two hoverboard motors with my dual vesc 4.12, motor detection seems to work mostly, however the motors vibrate and don't spin. , my settings look comparable to others I've seen online, and the motors work fine on the stock motherboard. 


But when I try and co tell them either with forward / back buttons in vesc tool, or with pwm signals from my RC remote, they just make a horrible noise and sort of vibrate. 


Attached is a video of what manual signals sound like:


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