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Wand speed display incorrect - Solved

Submitted by hans_maier on Sat, 2019-09-14 15:16

The Wand remote is displaying my speed at around 200 km/h - any suggestions how to get the real speed/data would be greatly appreciated (board is a Trampa helical spur gear drive with 9 inch tyres). Thanks a lot!

(I selected "Direct drive" during motor setup; is that incorrect?)


Edit #1

VESC to test e-Bike motor and car alternator as Torque Load..?

Submitted by arifbustani on Thu, 2019-09-12 19:00

Need some expert advice on doing Torque Loading a BLDC motor Under Test.

I am working on a project where we need to characterize the e-bike hub motors and other motors of similar kind. The DUT (Device Under Test) will be driven by VESC.  To load the DUT i have used  Magentic Particle clutches in past.

wand brake to reverse

Submitted by michmg on Tue, 2019-09-10 23:54

Hi all.

I just got my first Trampa-Board today and within the package i also got the brand new wand remote controller. Btw. a really nice piece of kit.

In Benjamin's introduction video he showed a (imo. nice) feature: when braking fully, after a moment, the board will switch into a slow reserve so the board will stop or back up even when going down hill.

Mine doesn't do this. So i am wondering if maybe I have to update either the remote controller's or the vesc's firmware or both or if this may be just a setting somewhere which is turned off.

Brake Button Gradual Braking

Submitted by hackish on Thu, 2019-09-05 16:56

I'm running a direct drive brushed DC setup. ADC1 is throttle with center brake and a button reverse. This is the only way I could get reverse to work properly, so I wired the brake to switch the high side of the ADC1 pot to ground (thus interrupting the throttle signal and achieving braking). The trouble is, as soon as you hit the brake, the wheels lock up. Is there a way to ramp braking on to save the gearbox from destruction? Ideally, I'd like ADC2 to control braking, but this does not seem to be possible.

Any ideas?

Can i change the controller (LQFP64) with (LQFP100) with same Firmware?

Submitted by GalihRiddle on Thu, 2019-09-05 13:44


I'm working on a VESC-based project. I saw the documentation , the VESC hardware used the STM32F40X controller with the 64 pin version . can i change the controller from 64 Pin with 100 Pin with firmware based on 64 Pin Controller?


Thanks before.


external IMU vesc wiring

Submitted by surfer on Wed, 2019-09-04 21:44

Hi there, 

i would like if i can get some input from you guys, i'm trying to connect a mpu 9250 as external gyro to the vesc using vesc tool 1.17, how it is quite new release there is not much info about it.

i have connected the mpu as follows:

vcc= to vcc on the vesc

gnd= gnd 

sda= sda

scl= scl

 Settings in vesc, use external mpu 9x50 but not success. not data shows in vesc tool.

Any help will be very appreciate, thanks you all.

P.S maybe sda and scl are crossed like tx rx ?


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