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Need help to configure the regenerative brake ...

Submitted by Loops on Mon, 2019-08-12 19:43

Hello all !

First, i'm sorry for my aproximative english.

I've build a E-mountainboard. The setup is :

- 2 SK8 6374 130KV (sensored)
- 12S Lipo

I will try to explain you my problem ...

All works perfectly ... I'm ridding, I've the throttle at 50% (for example). If i release the throttle, the board continue in 'free weels" ... But if i accelerate with a throttle less than before, 25% for example, the board will brake ... 

Is there a way to brake only if i put the throttle in reverse ?

Reverse ADC and UART

Submitted by ben_src on Mon, 2019-08-12 17:22


I'm using a FSESC 4.12. When the controller is in ADC mode the RX pin acts as the Reverse button but which pin is it in ADC and UART mode?

Also is there anyway to reverse in UART mode with the VescUart arduino library for example using a negative duty cycle?



understanding switching frequency and dutycycle

Submitted by speed3r on Thu, 2019-08-08 13:36

Hello folks,
I have two questions I can't answer myself and would like to politely ask you guys for help:


Question one would be:

During the FOC loop the spacevector-modulation takes place.
For this the respective mosfets are switched on and off accordingly, as it is nicely described for example here: [link]

My first question is: Does the duty-cycle in FOC-Mode control the duty-cycle of the S(pace)V(ector)M(odulation)?

How to set a jog speed using an encoder

Submitted by AK6302019 on Wed, 2019-08-07 15:42

System components 

Motor 1: direct drive electric skateboard motor with Hall sensors

Motor 2: direct drive electric skateboard motor with Hall sensors

Encoder Incremental : 


Both motors are in Velocity mode.

Motor 1 is controlled by a remote controller and sets a velocity.

Motor 2 jog speed and direction is set by Motor 1 velocity/encoder position.

Can this be done in VESC tools/firmware or external controller?


"Throttle" help

Submitted by benha on Wed, 2019-08-07 05:58


I’m trying to create a simple control system for a diver propulsion vehicle. Bluetooth obviously doesn’t work under water, so this needs to be controlled by a hard wired configuration.

I want two buttons - one for a low/medium throttle setting and one for fast.

Can anyone give me an “Idiot’s Guide” to how I should wire a VESC (4.x) to make this happen?

I'm not an electronics wizard, but I feel like this should be achievable :-)


Thanks! -Ben

I How do I find developers that work with the VESC.

Submitted by AK6302019 on Sun, 2019-08-04 01:42

I have a project that requires to control two direct-drive skateboard motors independently. Motor 1 needs to run in velocity mode at a set velocity.  Motor II reads a potentiometer 0- 5 volt or rotary encoder input and sets motor velocity in a positive or negative direction. I also need to measure the current and distance traveled. I believe this can be done in firmware.

VESC first build questions

Submitted by evbkez on Fri, 2019-08-02 14:58

Hi, this is my first e-bike build and I am planning to use a VESC controller. Thanks a ton to Benjamin for keeping the project opensource. I have few questions:

1) Does the VESC output battery pack capacity, remaining capacity, voltage, speed etc, on the UART? If yes, can I read this info using a controller to display it on a TFT display?

Sensorless BLDC start problem

Submitted by MikeStros on Tue, 2019-07-30 11:49

Hello everyone.

At first, I want to say thanks to the developers of this awesome ESC. I'm using it at my projects for a long time and it works almost perfect.


Now I'm trying to use vESC in my big hoverboat model. The motor is T-motor U8 135kv with 30" solid carbon propeller, it was previously used on large quadcopter and was presented to me without ESC.

VESC PID not working

Submitted by vulkan66 on Tue, 2019-07-30 10:29

Hey guys, I have been struggling with setting up PID speed control in the vesc controller. I am using a synchronous AC motor ( I let the vesc tool to identify the motor parameters and then the current control works perfectly, but it is somewhat impractical since i want to control the RPMs directly.


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