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AC Synchronous motor support

Submitted by Dark on Mon, 2019-07-29 15:03


I'm new to this forum and I hope that you will bear with me :) .

Is VESC able to drive AC Synchronous motors in closed loop with torque control, and i mean full featured control like Foc or Bldc mode. Here are some example motors:

I think that this one has 8 poles ( if it matters )

Or these Kollmorgens

VESC with no working brake button

Submitted by tavsanist on Sat, 2019-07-27 02:40

Hello Vesc community,
I have a problem with my maytech 100A vesc. I turned on ADC+UART APP and connected my brake on-off switch to VESC PPM input Ground-Signal wire.
ADC mode is ''current no reverse brake button''

It was working well before then suddenly stopped working. I checked my PPM input port , ground to signal wire , voltage is around 2.3V, checked my brake button, works fine.
I just couldnt figure out what's srong with my setup.

Is the Diy pcb version still working?

Submitted by jon218white on Sat, 2019-07-27 00:58


Im really intereated in building this vesc, i saw a vid on you tube showing an open source vesc, is the diy version still a working unit?

I found the file on github i see its 4 years old now really hope it does work, is there anything else i have to do / buy?

Also if it does work  can it be used with other controllers out there ?

Thank you

AMT 102 Encoder not working properly with VESC

Submitted by DerpRush on Thu, 2019-07-25 11:32


TLDR: Encoder works in live data, FOC doesn't work

I tried doing FOC with an AMT 102 encoder and the motor won't commutate properly. I tried setting up FOC with my VESC and when I used the foc setup wizard, it wouldn't detect the encoder and set it up as sensorless. I can see the encoder in live data and the encoder seems to be working properly. When I tried setting up FOC manually, the encoder offset would change every time I tried using detect encoder. Sometimes, the motor works for 10 sec, then chatters. Any idea on what to do?

Current loop resonance in higher ERPM under Current Mode

Submitted by ypl on Sat, 2019-07-20 09:34


I control vesc using current mode,at a certain speed,the motor shook so badly that it couldn't accelerate.

Load has a certain inertia.

I adjust the Current KP KI to change the speed of the oscillation. It doesn't help much.

Protection due to serious out-of-control of current.

But duty cycle mode works normally.

I have no way to solve this problem.

Do you have any tips how to solve this problem?


Controlling VESC with arduino -

Submitted by vulkan66 on Thu, 2019-07-11 11:51


I control VESC with arduino and I have a problem with arduino freezing/crashing.

I tried to control it via both UART and PWM. Motor (DYNS1665, 800kV) works well for a while and then the arduino (mega 2560) crashes.

When the motor is disconnected in VESC tool, everything works without any crash (I can see desired RPM in the graph).

It looks like the motor generates some signals and propagates it trough VESC to arduino which can't handle them.

Do you have any tips how to solve this problem?


Motor amps higher than batt amps

Submitted by minim on Sat, 2019-07-06 22:42

I'm having this weird behavior if I change my amp settings. I have a longboard with 2x raptor hub motors and  vesc6's. When I run Ackmaniac firmware I set motor amps to 70A, -70A and batt max/min to 40 and -13 for each vesc. This works great and it gives a nice punch. When I try the newest official vesc firmware and do motor detection it sets me at 40-40 motor amps and 99 batt amps.

How to achieve synchronize position control by CAN between 2 VESCs

Submitted by ztwsa007 on Sat, 2019-07-06 17:32

Hi everyone,

     I am working on a robot motion control project, I have two VESCs and two AS5047 encoders. Now I want to acquire position signals via VESC A and then control the position of VESC B via CAN as demonstrated in the video.



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