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Protecting PSU with resistive load when braking

Submitted by henxan on Sat, 2019-11-16 21:08


I'm doing a DIY-project for Christmas, a gift for my wife. It is an electric winding machine - a machine that winds thread on spools. Example of such a machine, controlled by a pedal, is shown next:

My setup is as follows:

[PSU] ------------<X>---------[VESC]------[BLDC]

Vesc gps control

Submitted by Erik on Thu, 2019-11-14 20:38


I have made a device using a flipsky vesc 6 and 8085 motor that runs up and down a cable at specific speeds.

I am currently controlling the vesc with an arduino mega that gets distance values from the vesc and a pixhawk4 gps module.

the device basically must just move on the cable at a speed within 5km/h of the speed set by a formula for the distance at any given time.

Vesc WS2812b led issues & support

Submitted by Ash on Tue, 2019-11-12 08:40

Hi guys, I have issues implementing the WS2812 led on my Vesc.

Things I have done:

  • Flashed default WS2811.bin
  • I have removed the filters on the hall sensor port and added 2.2k pull up resistor to 5v on H2 pin.
  • I have replaced r8,r9,r10 with 0 ohm resistor.
  • For my remote, I am using custom nun-chuck nrf24l01.
  • The ws2812 leds are getting powered from external 5v source, but same ground reference. 


anti spark circuit

Submitted by renaudbarbier on Mon, 2019-11-11 12:21

hey guys,

I see many post and products around the web about the anti spark switch systems but I could not get how to achieve such circuit without switch and without 3rd wire.

I had an ESC from hobbywing with built in spark proof circuit and it actually did the job well in that regard. I had no extra cable or circuit. just my 2 main power leads and zero spark.

Any idea how such circuit is achieved or if any such product is available? 

75/300 Large inrunner problem (video)

Submitted by dk-odense on Mon, 2019-11-04 21:53

Hi Guys

I have a problem with a very large inrunner (gokart). Motor specs here:

After running the motor detection, the vecs throws  aabs over current randomly, when spinning up and down in rpms.

And I think it sound quite weird at full rpms. Any suggestions which parameters to start changing?

Paragliding rewinder control loop

Submitted by eptv on Mon, 2019-11-04 08:20

I wrote my first control loop for VESC. It was a pleasure, thanks Benjamin for excellent code.


There is a case in paragliding winching with 2 winches. First winch located near takeoff and second far away about 1.3km. The ropes from first and second winches connected together and to the pilot.

When pilot release rope in the sky, first winch should rewind rope back to takeoff.

First winch should hold about 1-2kg of force when second winch pulls pilot to the sky. And apply 15-20kg after pilot release ropes.


Here is my demo:

75/300 connection issues FW3.6

Submitted by renaudbarbier on Fri, 2019-11-01 20:17


Running latest firmware for the newly received VESC 75/300.

USB on windows 10 connects ok and all parameters can be sent, however anytime the motor runs, the USB will disconnect. This prevents me for auto setup and monitoring.

Please advise...

I then tried the BLE connection with mobile App (could not connect at all to it with windows version...). on the mobile app, it connects and then a second after it disconnects and shows message as follows:

Electric moped self build.

Submitted by Moped Mickey on Mon, 2019-10-28 18:15

Hi all, Just signed in for the first time to say hello and tell you why I have joined.

I have bought a DIY electric motor 6355 260KV and the mini FSESC4 .20 50A (baced on FESC 4.12 ) to go with it (was on a skate board build) Also have the switch to got with it and a twist grip throttle control that I got from eBay.

The plan is to power a 1950's moped with this motor. I have already fitted the motor and wired it up with the parts that I got from the Skateboard build.

The motor is directly driving  what was the left hand side of the crankshaft.

Noob: clever/stupid mild hybrid idea

Submitted by robin lawrie on Mon, 2019-10-28 13:44

Hi all, i am toying with a potentially silly idea. I have an old fiat 850 with a 47 hp 850cc engine. 


My idea, basically, is to add a nice 15 or so kw bldc motor  on a toothed belt connected somewhere in the transmission, probably directly to the camshaft, attached to the alternator drive pulley shaft, or off the flywheel where the starter sits.

I imagine having the motor throttle ramping up from zero, in the last say 10 percent of the engine throttle travel, so under hard acceleration, i get a nice boost.

Synchronizing multiple motors before mechanically locking together

Submitted by hockinsk on Sun, 2019-10-27 23:15

I'm looking at the possibility of driving a larger sprocket with two or more identical motors from a single VESC. If my understanding is correct, if I wire the motors in parallel from the VESC and synchronize them before locking their movement to the sprocket via a pinion/spur gear, they should all run happily from the one VESC then. Even via hall sensor, there will essentially be a master motor and the others will follow happily.


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