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Dual g-foc300 setup help!!!

Submitted by Re60s on Sat, 2024-09-07 09:12

Hello guys,

just bought my first ever Vesc based esc's from maker-x,

I have installed them after a whole day worth of time wasting!!!

my question is,

when I try to change the motor amp draw setting for one motor and then hit write 

the other esc automatically writes the same settings for the other motor,

the second esc is paired via can-bus,

i am accessing my both esc's via bt module.

any idea guys how to write settings on each esc individually??


Advice needed: How to select KV value (or: how important is KV, in reality?)

Submitted by c0d3z3r0 on Tue, 2024-09-03 09:23


I am unsure about the right KV value for my application (custom eBike/Pedelec) and I started to wonder, how important it really is.

My understanding is that I need to align the KV value together with the battery voltage so that I can reach my maximum desired speed. (If the motor runs to slow, it wouldn't support the cyclist anymore of course.)

For simplicity and focus, let's keep gear/pulley ratio out of the way and assume direct drive.

Let's assume these values:

VESC Express TCP connect with iOS not possible

Submitted by johannes.b on Mon, 2024-09-02 19:51

Hello everyone,

I am currently facing an issue with connecting VESC Express via TCP using the iOS VESC Tool app and would appreciate any advice or insights from the community.


I am using VESC Express and have successfully established a connection via direct WiFi TCP with the macOS VESC Tool. Everything works perfectly on my Mac, and I'm able to control and monitor my setup without any issues.

Issues with running bldc motor (Motor screeching)

Submitted by mansi712 on Mon, 2024-08-26 12:10


I am new to the topic of electric motors and controllers. For my project, I need to synchronize two propellers mounted on a rig both in terms of RPM and position. I received a recommendation to use VESC ESCs for this purpose. However, I have been struggling to even get the motors started, and at one point, one of the motors started producing a loud screeching noise.

Issues with STR500 tuning and calibration

Submitted by Swapnil Inamdar on Thu, 2024-08-15 10:39


We are trying to run a PMSM motor on STR500, which was purchased recently, and are facing issues to make it work.

On the other hand, we have 75/300 vesc on which the motor works great!

Following are the issues faced on STR500:
1. During the  'Run Detection' it takes around 40 amps whereas the 75/300 takes only about 10 amperes.

2. For the same ERPM and supply voltage the motor when run on str500 takes 40 amperes whereas the same motor when run on 75/300 takes only 12 amperes.

VESC with Ey4 and special function

Submitted by MachWas on Mon, 2024-08-12 02:34

Hello all,
I had a Dualtron Popular that has been stolen during my holidays and now, I'm looking for a new Scooter. BUT first of it, there is no one that I would be convinced about within my budget. Therefore I would check out, how it would look if I would assemble myself one. BUT the first issue is, that actually I don't have any clue about how to configure VESC and therefore I would see first, if such a project would be hopeless due to my missing knowledge. Or if it could be done and some help could be found.

Someone please help

Submitted by Mark griffin on Thu, 2024-08-01 14:29

Hi all

Im griff and new to the vesc world, so please be gentle with me

I bought a FLIPSKY FSESC75100 nearly 2 yrs ago ,but because of my job never had time to fit it


But now I have when I try to connect it via the bluetooth it says 


I have no idea even where to start to do that , Could anyone on here please please please help me ( If this has been covered before I apologise for bringing it back up)


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