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VESC 4.12 Current limit question

Submitted by on Tue, 2024-03-26 18:30

Hello, I have a FlipSky FSESC 4.12 that lists a 50A continuous current limit and a 240A instantaneous limit. 

My question is do these limits apply to the battery current or the motor current? I can't seem to find the answer in the product listing.

Right now, I have the motor current limits set to +/-50A when the motor can handle up to 80A, and the battery current rarely reaches above 20A with these settings.

Read analog Data from ADC1

Submitted by mmobayed on Mon, 2024-03-25 21:41

Hi everyone,

I have now the last two weeks been trying to read out the analog data from a feedback servo of my through the ADC1 pin. When I try connect the feedback pin to an arduino board it all works fine and feedback can bee seen. yet I am not sure how i can read out the the data which is coming in to the adc1 pin or if it is even possible. is there a certain way how i am able to achieve this?

Please Let me know.

thank you


Vesc 6 mkV interference

Submitted by PredatorRTX on Thu, 2024-03-21 20:59

Hello, I'm new here and I have a problem, maybe you can help me solve it: I have 2x vesc 6 mkV pcb 21700 tramp box, and I have a problem, I have updated the vesc to almost the latest version and I have a problem, but I don't know if it's a software issue, namely my problem is this that when I turn on the box with the button, the main vesc turns on/lights up, while when I turn off the box with the button, the additional vesc lights up, the tramp advised me to move the cables so that when the box button is turned on, two vescs light up, turn off the power from the button

Reverse indicator

Submitted by bmblank on Wed, 2024-03-20 20:41

I'm using a dual 4.20 VESC and using an ADC throttle with button reverse.  Is there a way I can wire this up to have an indicator light to show that it is in reverse?  I am switching the Rx pin to ground to put it in reverse, but that is not supplying any actual power, just a draw-down as far as I can tell.  Any way I try to imagine the wiring I'll be supplying Rx with voltage as opposed to drawing it down.


Apologies, I am just a (industrious) mechanical engineer.



Handbrake in PPM mode

Submitted by bdesvaux on Wed, 2024-03-20 17:49


I use the handbrake function in order to maintain a zero speed on my motor while facing high torques. It works very well in UART control mode.

I'd like to make it work in the PPM control mode but I can't find out how to do that. I tried to set different values for timeout and brake current but it doesn't seem to use the handbrake function. Has anybody had the same issue ? 

Is there anything I could do using the smart reverse function (I don't really understand how that works) ?

Thanks a lot,


Measuring RPM using Hall sensors of BLDC motor

Submitted by DEPL_PR24 on Fri, 2024-03-15 20:40

Hi everyone,


Im currently working with a BLDC motor with 3 hall sensors, and using the driver FSESC 4.12, and I want to measure RPM using a microcontroller intercepting the 3 signals of the Hall sensors. I have the 5 cables (power, ground, 3 Hall sensors) connected to a protoboard, and form there its connected to the driver like normally, and to the microcontroller with pull-up resistors.


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