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Topic Repliessort descending Last post Forum
Normal topic Using vesc between many motors
by EliProtiva on Tue, 2021-02-16 05:32
by EliProtiva
Tue, 2021-02-16 05:32
General discussion
Normal topic Configuration of underwater thruster
by UnderwaterMotors on Fri, 2023-03-24 18:10
by UnderwaterMotors
Fri, 2023-03-24 18:10
General discussion
Normal topic aggressive throttle
by Sandro luis on Sun, 2024-05-05 04:42
by Sandro luis
Sun, 2024-05-05 04:42
General discussion
Normal topic no effect on set erpm/speed limit
by xenon321 on Sat, 2021-04-24 20:43
by xenon321
Sun, 2021-04-25 16:53
Normal topic sick srm50 absolute encoder, I don't know how to configure it
by Davidson SIlvei... on Mon, 2024-04-22 21:45
by Davidson SIlvei...
Mon, 2024-04-22 21:45
Normal topic Stream UART Telemetry without a Request
by AlexBenn on Thu, 2022-01-20 02:47
by AlexBenn
Thu, 2022-01-20 02:47
VESC Firmware
Normal topic VESC 75/300 singnal connectors
by Mikko Valtonen on Tue, 2020-05-19 21:43
by Mikko Valtonen
Tue, 2020-05-19 21:43
VESC Original Hardware
Normal topic Wheel speed over CANBUS
by paule on Tue, 2020-12-29 13:04
by paule
Tue, 2020-12-29 13:04
General discussion
Normal topic Previous versions of VESC Tool
by Drosselmeier on Fri, 2023-07-14 12:49
by Drosselmeier
Fri, 2023-07-14 12:49
Normal topic 4.12 cooling mod
by thewho on Wed, 2019-05-01 18:45
by thewho
Wed, 2019-05-01 18:45
General discussion
Normal topic Duty vs RPM for smooth start and slow running
by Davideo on Tue, 2018-04-24 14:42
by Davideo
Tue, 2018-04-24 14:42
General discussion
Normal topic BLDC zero cross happens too early
by Sgw32 on Thu, 2021-05-20 19:10
by Sgw32
Thu, 2021-05-20 19:10
General discussion
Normal topic reverse programing
by axialflux on Mon, 2023-11-13 23:21
by axialflux
Mon, 2023-11-13 23:21
General discussion
Normal topic Dual Motor Setup not working via CAN Bus (solved)
by acleon on Fri, 2020-06-19 00:03
by acleon
Fri, 2020-06-19 16:33
Normal topic Regarding code documentation
by hiddenzed on Mon, 2021-02-08 12:40
by hiddenzed
Mon, 2021-02-08 12:40
VESC Firmware
Normal topic Using vesc for real time gps tracking, alarm and data recorder
by Nicolas Durandet on Sun, 2023-10-22 14:56
by Nicolas Durandet
Sun, 2023-10-22 14:56
General discussion
Normal topic NVIDIA Jetson AGX Outputting PWM to Flipsky VESC Issue
by colemalinchock on Tue, 2025-01-14 00:40
by colemalinchock
Tue, 2025-01-14 00:40
Normal topic Prevent Wheel-slip by low-pass filtering duty cycle output
by AlexBenn on Thu, 2018-09-13 07:50
by AlexBenn
Thu, 2018-09-13 07:50
VESC Firmware
Normal topic Simultaneous control of two BLDC motors with VESCs via CAN bus without RC controller
by sampatsr on Mon, 2023-02-27 20:21
by sampatsr
Mon, 2023-02-27 20:21
General discussion
Normal topic 2TWOW - Dual VESC for overhauling E-twow scooters (48V, 1kW peak per motor)
by badgerthing on Sat, 2024-04-13 09:48
by badgerthing
Sat, 2024-04-13 10:01
Third Party Hardware


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