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Is Vesc Tool App Hogging the Bluetooth?

Submitted by Marctwo on Mon, 2020-07-06 11:10



While riding I have music from my phone over bluetooth which also uses the pause, prev, next buttons from my speaker. Wth the vesc tool app in the foreground my speaker buttons no longer function.

It also drains my battery very quickly even though I have my phone charging from my speaker.

I have another controller that uses a complimentary bluetooth app and I have neither issue with that.

Is this a known issue with (hopefully) a solution? Or maybe there're alternative recommended apps for live data?

FOC Motor Detection Values Incorrect, PID Tuning Advice?

Submitted by bmwman91 on Mon, 2020-07-06 03:09


Hello! Apologies if this belongs in the 3rd party area, I am not sure if the issue is hardware, software or some combination. I am running a Maker-X FOC Mini (HW Version "60" in VESC Tool). It is communicating properly and successfully updated to FW 5.1. I can get my motor running, just not very well or consistently.

App Config disabled one side problem

Submitted by timfame11 on Sat, 2020-06-27 00:26


When I finish setting up my motors and input which is a thumb throttle. The problem is when I go to the app config setting to do some changes, it disable one side of the vesc when ever I hit the write button. What I mean by that is the the green light shut off meaning that it not recieving any commands. The only way to reactivate the other side is to reset the whole set up process. Is the a way to reactivate it without going through the whole setup process?

vesc for helicopter tail rotor / freewheel for duty cycle mode

Submitted by vladimir757 on Thu, 2020-06-25 14:25


Hello. Can you help us with the following issue:

We are going to use VESC for driving tail rotor in helicopter. Tail rotor has foldable blades.

It is absolutely necessary to drive in duty cycle mode with no braking. The main reason for that: blades can make vibrations or even fold during braking.

What i tried for now : setting motor and brake current 0, and it did not help.

What else can i try ? Change parameters or may be some modifications to the code can be done?



Submitted by donrecardo on Thu, 2020-06-25 12:00


Hi . I control my VESC using a 10K pot on the ADC input, this is working fine

I need to set the max RPM to a much lower level max around 3000 RPM

I reduced the ERPM value to around 35000 and sure enough its about the speed I want , however 

this occurs at around 1/3rd of the pots revolution and for the other 2/3rds it just sits at that set max speed.

The trouble with that is I only get a small rotation of the pot from 0 to max speed .

Is here a way to set it so I get my reduced max speed but spread over the full travel

Dual Motor Setup not working via CAN Bus (solved)

Submitted by acleon on Fri, 2020-06-19 00:03


Hello to you out there.

We have purchased the Platinum version, so we are up to date.

Atm we got 48V 14 cells battery, 2 single VESC HW 4.12 FW 4.2.

Motors are 2 BLDCs and they are controlled by ADC throttle.

We setup the master and slave as the following short instruction:



Duty Cycle Acceleration Limit

Submitted by jfaille on Tue, 2020-06-16 23:17


Hey all, 

I have searched for this issue and have not found a solution yet.  I am using the VESC with a throttle in Duty cycle mode ( I know of the differences between current and such, we just need duty). I was wondering if anyone has found a way to limit the current spikes when changing the throttle.  Right now i'm seeing lots of current pushed to the motor when changes in throttle happen.  This is a bit Jarring.  

VESC Tool Makes my remote unusable

Submitted by IcecreamSamurai on Mon, 2020-06-15 01:49


Electric skateboard was working fine, it was a bit sluggish so I wanted to tweak some settings. I Load up the VescTool Configure my motor, Run the controller set up, the program reads my input from the controller fine. Disconnect the Vesc and my board will no longer read input from my Vanpro Controller. Any way to fix this?

Detection for a drone outrunner 515 kV and 775 kV

Submitted by MaksK on Thu, 2020-06-04 16:05


Hi Everyone,

This post is about motor tuning for a drone on VESC tool. The hardware is a VESC 6, and this is related to a post I made more than a year ago about the KDE 2814XF-515. I had trouble tuning that one and still don’t have a firm grasp on these parameters, the tuning process and how to optimize this better. Here is what I’ve been using for the KDE 2814XF-515 for the last year to reasonable effect.

R = 62.0 mOhm (for a quoted 130 mOhm motor this seems about half and correct)

L = 6.41 uH

lambda = 1.459 mWb

Kp = 0.0107


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