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Bug Report - Motor/App Data not saved to VESC

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Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
Joined: 2020-04-03 15:27
Posts: 11
Bug Report - Motor/App Data not saved to VESC

The VESC Hardware Version 6 shows some erratic behaviour with the saving of the Motor and App parameters from the VESC-Tool to the VESC controller.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Connect VESC via USB-cable to the PC
  • Start VESC-Tool (Windows 7) - Connect > OK
  • Motor Settings > General > Wattage > Enter some unique value like 777
  • 'Write Motor Conf' > 'MC update OK' message
  • Testing: change value to 55 > Read Motor data > 777 appears again > OK
  • Disconnect button > OK - disconnect USB - disconnect battery from VESC
  • Reconnect VESC > 'Read Motor Conf' > 1500000 appears (default) and not 777
  • Sometimes (!) the value 777 is stored, but then several other trials > Fail

Hardware / versions:

  • Maytech SUPERFOC6.8 50A VESC6-based speed controlle - two VESCs with different Soft/firmware show the same bug:
    • One with 4.2 firmware and 2.03 Tool
    • One with 5.1 firmware and 2.06 Tool

Update - Bug report moved to Guthub:

Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
Joined: 2020-04-03 15:27
Posts: 11

This turned out to be a hardware fault of the VESC circuit - the same that likely lead to increased power consumption of 200 mA - versus 20 mA for another VESC by the same manufacturer that also works fine with saving of the parameters.