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Programming VESC through CANbus adapter

Submitted by Filcas on Sat, 2020-03-28 11:43


Hey guys,


Is it possible to connect vesc through CANbus to a computer (without other VESC) so you can reprogram it?

I mean, imagine you have a lot of VESCs in one installation across a warehouse, all CANbus connected (no USB access to them).

Can you upgrade the firmware and settings with VESCTOOL, without the need of another VESC connected to a computer?



Tool for OSX MAC

Submitted by oger on Wed, 2020-03-25 17:21


Hi folks,

does anyone know where to get the new version 2.03 for OSX?

This version doesn't work on my windows machine for some reason.

Had better luck with OSX 2.02 but it truncates my parameters.

Maybe the new version works better.

Values truncated, but why?

Submitted by oger on Tue, 2020-03-24 17:43


I'm not sure if this is the right section.

I have a VESC 4.12 which worked great, but I made the mistake of updating the firmware because the newer tool didn't work with the old FW.

Now when I do the motor detection (which worked) and want to upload the parameters to the VESC a lot of parameters are truncated.

The Motor runs but it's really bad. need to change Ki and Kp settings at least but it won't even let me do that.

Always says "parameters truncated" and I can't even change it for lower setting.

VESC Tool wont start

Submitted by w31x on Wed, 2020-03-11 19:30


I tired different VESC Tool versions on my newly installed Win 10 PC and all versions (v2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3) don´t start. A white program-window is opened and after a second it is closed automatically. The VESC Tool exe files are on my desktop and also on an other position on my hard disk - no difference. I also tried it on one of my other pcs without any troubles. I installed java and arduino too.. Thought maybe there are some parts (java) or something different missing? Would be happy if somebody could help me out here!


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