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App Config disabled one side problem

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Last seen: 4 months 1 week ago
Joined: 2020-03-17 21:58
Posts: 1
App Config disabled one side problem

When I finish setting up my motors and input which is a thumb throttle. The problem is when I go to the app config setting to do some changes, it disable one side of the vesc when ever I hit the write button. What I mean by that is the the green light shut off meaning that it not recieving any commands. The only way to reactivate the other side is to reset the whole set up process. Is the a way to reactivate it without going through the whole setup process?

(Update)- I used it on the Windows 10 version and it work just fine even when doing some adjustment. It just when I used the VESC Tool App is to do some adjustment in the App Config page when it disable one side of the vesc board.