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[SOLVED] Compile vesc tool mobile apk

Submitted by TZTZ on Mon, 2020-05-25 18:51




I am trying to compile the vesc tool mobile apk version. I enjoy using the app and it is awesome. But I would like to have the RT data screen as the home window and auto scan/connect.

So far I have compiled an apk but it is the full software version which you would use on a tablet or a computer. I have done this in QT creator in a linux VM on windows 10

So my question is how do I compile the mobile version?

And a tip on if it is possible to open the app layout in qt design and if so how would be nice.

Can the PPM mapping be changed so that higher duty cycle means slower speed?

Submitted by UncleJoe on Mon, 2020-05-25 11:46


Trying to use VESC to drive the blower motor in a car. Yes I know it's not wise to use hobbyist quality parts for automotive applications... 

The PWM speed signal from the 2009 Camry is open collector, so that means lower duty cycle maps to higher speed.

Is there any way to change the mapping to do this? I was thinking of making the throttle curve have a negative slope, but can't do it. In the PPM app, I also tried changing

"Pulselength start"  = 2 

"Pulselength end" = 0


but that didn't work either.

Keyboard control not working (Remote works)

Submitted by bukl on Sun, 2020-05-24 16:51



I´ve got a probably easy to solve problem:

I can control the VESC with my remote without problems, but when I try to use the keyboard control from the tool the motor only clicks and rattels briefly.

The same happens when I try to control it from the app or the terminal.

I didn´t find anything on google. Has anyone got an idea what I am doing wrong?

Input fields bug report

DerKrawallkeks's picture
Submitted by DerKrawallkeks on Thu, 2020-05-21 17:06



I quickly wanted to report a bug I was able to solve. Just incase anyone encounters the same: The input field for "Sensorless ERPM" under FOC=>Hall Sensors will randomly autocorrect and will only allow values below 999 or above 100000. This was caused by having dot ... and comma ,,, swapped in my german Windows PCs system-wide settings. I am sure it will be the same for other input fields as well, but not for all.

I think this is pretty rare, and now here it is. I don't know if this can be fixed, as it's probably related to QT.

VESC Tool Platinum : Windows 7 - Not working

Submitted by moorem on Mon, 2020-05-18 23:19


Hi there,

I'm a newbie in search of help.

I have just downloaded VESC Tool - Platinum and I am attempting to run it under Windows 7.

It completely fails to load.

Can anyone please point me in the right direction.

I have tried "Compatibility Mode" and "Run as Administrator".

I've also loaded it into a variety of locations (Desktop, C:/, C:/Windows, C:/Windows/Programs etc... No Luck with any of these locations either


Martin Moore

How to select in VESC Tool the COM port of PC for USB connection to VESC6?

Submitted by Heimfried on Mon, 2020-05-11 20:27


Another try at a better place (I hope):

Hallo all,

How to select in VESC Tool the COM port of PC for USB connection to VESC6?

Menu connection: Port "COM1" is the only port shown. Clicking button "refresh serial port list" results in nothing new, only COM1.

The last working connection was shown as COM6, but after successful running motor wizzard the tool lost connection when I tried to select the control input. (Should be ADC, wired potentiometer.)

Regards, Günter

KV command in terminal ( how to determine kv of a motor )

Submitted by fessyfoo on Sat, 2020-05-09 21:21


I'd like to determine the KV of a motor. what's the best way to do this?

Is that what the KV command in terminal does? how does it work? how do you use it? I've randomly got it to respond 0 kv or some other number but clearly I don't know how to use it.

I assumed realtime data spinning at a fixed duty cycle controlled by vesc-tool would be needed. but I still get 0kv except for when I randomly didn't. not sure what I did different.

VESC Tool 2.06 not working either on windows.

Submitted by oger on Fri, 2020-05-08 00:11


I tried on a fresh installed windows 10 on a Think pad laptop.

Same as the previous versions: Just a blank white window.

Tried with compatibility check to all other versions of windows, or running it as admin.

Put it into the two programs floder or the desktop but nothing helped.

The only machine I can get this program to work on is my desktop in my appartement, but it's hard to lift my bike up two stories, make an adjustment, then test, then lift it back.

Any ideas?


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