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How to read COMM_ROTOR_POSITION through uart

Submitted by Graham Bowen-Davies on Wed, 2021-04-28 23:59



I'm setting to up communication to teh VESC through an Arduino. Using SolidGeek's libraries, I have been able to send position control commands. What I need, is to read in the current position of the motor.

In order to set position, I modified the existing "setRPM" to make a "setPOS" command.

To set position, I naively tired to convert "getVescValues" to a "getVescPos", with the command value of "COMM_ROTOR_POSITION". But this does not seem to be recognized (payload size is zero).

Problem with VESC Tool vs BLDC FW version

Submitted by Reidar Jortveit on Mon, 2021-04-26 14:39


I just built VESC Tool for Linux from source, but no matter what FW I upload, VESC Tool thinks it is "a bit old" and tags it with "limited functionality" which means the Motor Setup Wizard just sends me back to firmware upgrade again and again.

I have tried using "FIRMWARE_default" with hw60_mk5 from VESC Tool v 3.01 test version 1 and 12 and even after upgrading to this firmware the tool says it is too old.

(I have also build the 5_03 dev branch FW and uploaded under "Custom" with same result.)

What am I missing?

no effect on set erpm/speed limit

Submitted by xenon321 on Sat, 2021-04-24 20:43



I have the problem that when i set the speed limit in the profiles tap and set it to "use until Reboot OR Use permanently"

this setting is completely ignored and i got always max speed.

Here are my setup:

Vesc 100/250 @16s FW.:5.2

8Kg 10 pole inrunner

1:7,6 Gear ratio 

Wheel Daimeter 640mm 

I have set everything up again several times without success

I am at the end of my knowledge.

Motor whine with HFI?

Submitted by christopher.h.poole on Mon, 2021-04-19 15:49


I'm running two sensorless motors with the FOCBOX in HFI mode. Controlling the speed via ADC in PID speed control (reverse button).

HFI is working great to start from a stand-still, but the motors have a continuous loud whine from HFI even when there is zero throttle. Is there a way to configure HFI to disable unless a throttle is applied?

Overheating protection, voltage-/current-limitation etc.

Submitted by kianK on Thu, 2021-04-15 07:23


Hello people,

Im currently using VESC to control a motor that translates its rotatory motion into translational motion so I can move parts from left to right and vise versa.

I wonder why its seems that VESC limitates the total current to about 20A. There is no "current-barrier" in the settings.

throttle mapping: non-zero current at zero adc input?

Submitted by FreddyForLaunch on Wed, 2021-04-14 21:48



How can you adjust the throttle curve such that you get a small positive current at zero input of your ADC controller? 

I tried to play with VESCtool setting myself and I searched the forums, but I can't find an answer to this question.

I thought about setting the ADC1 Min Voltage to a negative number, but VESCtool does not allow. 

Any tips are much appreciated!

(I have a vesc6 with firmware 5.1 and am using Vesc Tool 2.06 for pc and android phone)

Pc requirement to run vesc software

Submitted by proget.snc on Mon, 2021-04-12 10:57


Hi , I am new in this world.

I have  ordered a VESC 6 MkV from Trampa and downloaded the free Windows vesc_tool_3.00.exe to start understanding the possibilities.

When I run the vesc_tool_3.00.exe on my notebook,  it start with a blank windows but after few seconds it close itself without messages .

The TRAMPA support says " it is when the PC is not powerful enough to run the tool ".

My question is now Is there any PC requirements tu run the Windows tool ?


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