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no effect on set erpm/speed limit

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Last seen: 1 week 3 days ago
Joined: 2018-08-03 17:44
Posts: 2
no effect on set erpm/speed limit


I have the problem that when i set the speed limit in the profiles tap and set it to "use until Reboot OR Use permanently"

this setting is completely ignored and i got always max speed.

Here are my setup:

Vesc 100/250 @16s FW.:5.2

8Kg 10 pole inrunner

1:7,6 Gear ratio 

Wheel Daimeter 640mm 

I have set everything up again several times without success

I am at the end of my knowledge.

now i spend a couple hours to find a workaround and find that when i use The ADC Control Type :"PID Speed" the eRPM limits are working but only there current and duty cycle the eRPM limits will be ignored.  
but why?