I'm setting to up communication to teh VESC through an Arduino. Using SolidGeek's libraries, I have been able to send position control commands. What I need, is to read in the current position of the motor.
In order to set position, I modified the existing "setRPM" to make a "setPOS" command.
To set position, I naively tired to convert "getVescValues" to a "getVescPos", with the command value of "COMM_ROTOR_POSITION". But this does not seem to be recognized (payload size is zero).
Any pointers on how I should be going this are appreciated. I'm very new to arduino, and I have very little comfort with "C" language.
Nothing doing here? The following is the bit code that I attempted, but lenPayload returns zero
Hi Graham,
I have the same question than you ;), but do not have done some tests for now.
do you have solved your problem?
do you have tried to insert a delay between PackSend and UART reception?
Have a good day