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Improper feedback from VESC Hardware with low speed ( SensorlessBEMF )

Submitted by Pranit Bhamare on Tue, 2023-02-14 07:19

Hello everyone,

             I have TRAMPA - VESC 6MK VI and GL40 motor and 12.6V and 6A  provided using DC power supply.  My project requirement is to get feedback from motor i.e. direction of rotation and speed and based on the input I should drive motor in same direction. 

Improper feedback from VESC with low speed ( BEMF )

Submitted by Pranit Bhamare on Tue, 2023-02-14 07:16

Hello everyone,

             I have TRAMPA - VESC 6MK VI and GL40 motor and 12.6V and 6A  provided using DC power supply.  My project requirement is to get feedback from motor i.e. direction of rotation and speed and based on the input I should drive motor in same direction. 

Is it normal to have5th harmonic current ?

Submitted by Alex Marques on Fri, 2023-02-10 16:01



I use the VESC 75/300 for my future electrical go kart. I have SMPM 20 kW. I would like to measure and calculate psi angle (angle between emf and current). To do that I measure the angle between hall sensor and emf/current. My issue is when I measure the angle between my current and my sensor, my current is very polluted by a 5th harmonic. Is it normal to have one ? Is there anaything I can do to avoid it ?

Thank's in advance for your time.


Stator Saturation Compensation Mode

Submitted by getinthebag on Tue, 2023-02-07 09:12

Hi all,

I would love if someone could briefly explain the "Stator Saturation Compensation Mode"  setting in VESC tool V.6.00

Specifically if I choose "Lambda" as the compensation mode which is described in the help box as "This requires that one of the observers with Lambda Compensation is used"..

Does this mean the setting is dependent on another setting I have to tweak such as the 'Saturation Compensation Factor' or something else, or is the Lambda mode kind of automatic?




Hardware circuit to limit regen voltage

Submitted by Gsorter on Sun, 2023-02-05 17:34

I am working on an engine driven, hybrid generator for a drone. The primary power source is my BLDC in regen braking mode. I have an 8HP engine driving a Flipsky 80100 7KW BLDC. I have a 12S2P LiON battery in parallel with the BLDC regen output and the load. The battery is intended to soak up voltage surges, act as an emergency power source in case the engine dies, and in general be a very large capacitor. I am intending on starting with the battery nearly at nearly 100% SOC, and have made a circuit to limit the max output voltage from the BLDC to about 48 volts.

Battery discharge curve

Submitted by Madaboutfoiling on Sun, 2023-02-05 08:23

Is it possible to programme a VESC to flatten out the discharge curve of a battery? For example when the battery is fresh there is plenty of power so you dont need full throttle, Perhaps the VESC could compensate for this, whereas as the battery voltage depletes more throttle is needed. 
Is there a way of adjusting the throttle calibration/ introducing a limit and then adjusting that as the percentage of charge drops?

Does anyone have any experience of doing this? 


VESC 100/250 For sale

Submitted by jakemansbach on Sun, 2023-02-05 04:22

Hey all-

I purchased two of these in early 2021, and one has been sitting on my shelf since then. Was used once for testing, in the aluminum housing, never been opened or modified.


looking to get $400, or best offer (unsure how much these sell for).

send me a pm + thread reply because I probably won't see a thread reply :)

Reverse button not working

Submitted by oangelo on Sat, 2023-02-04 21:47

I need some help with reverse button. I have an "Ewheel ADC adapter V2 for diy ebike escooter with vesc". Everything seems to be working well, except the reverse button. I read many threads here, from what I understand, if you select ADC as the APP, the firmware will use the RX to GND to reverse. Tried that and it did not work.


Also tried to use ADC+UART as the APP, in this case, I saw that the servo pin connected to GND will reverse the motor direction. Also did not work.


Lehner TorQstar any experience

Submitted by fabu80 on Wed, 2023-02-01 08:35

Hi guys

This will be my first post. Hopefully not my last one.

First I would like to write some facts about me.

42 yrs old, 2 kids, located in Zürich region directly at the lake. Mechanical engineering background. Lotus freak and DIY man.

I am developing Jetsurf Boards for over 10 years now.

Actually all the boards are equiped with Lehner TorQstar 7040/50 and MGMs 20563-63. And a self developed remote (togehter with a Software engineer).

4 Boards are running and all is good.


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