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Vesc6 - encoder

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Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
Joined: 2023-11-23 15:16
Posts: 5
Vesc6 - encoder

Hello everyone , 

I want to use my vecs6 dual motor driver with encoder . Because I cannot print POS data with the Hall sensor, it does not work.While the Hall sensor is connected, I can drive the Vesc6 device in my hand with rpm , duty cycle and current via CAN.I have 2 questions. My first question is, there is a tab called invert motor directions in the interface.I leave the picture below. Do you know exactly what data it prints from the can? Why does it keep moving for a certain period of time? I wonder if it keeps driving with rpm and running a timer? What is doing exactly ?If I can decipher the outgoing can message, it will be very useful to me.

My second question is , The encoder I have is not standard, I am sharing its picture below.How can I connect it to vesc6? I saw links to vesc4 on the internet, some resistors were being removed.But I'm not sure, the encoder I have has a total of 9 channels. of which 6 channels of axis, 1 axis vcc, 1 axis gnd and 1 axis shield. I don't know how to do this. Please help me with this issue because it seems like there is no other way for me to drive with POS.  

Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
Joined: 2023-11-23 15:16
Posts: 5

here is the link of encoder's pinout : FNC 50H Connector Series (
