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Wheel speed over CANBUS

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Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2020-12-21 10:59
Posts: 1
Wheel speed over CANBUS


Hi, I'm trying to get the wheel speed over CANBUS - I have a Trampa Vesc 6 mk5, with an Ozo BROU-AGRI-2019 wheel. I can see that the CAN_PACKET_STATUS message has RPM but
this doesn't seem to tie back to approx speed (measured using a stopwatch and wheel radius!), even after accounting for the detected gear ratio.

Please can someone help explain what I'm doing wrong...and if there's an easier way of getting speed data out through the CANBUS?

Secondly, is there a way of getting Hall sensor data out through the CANBUS?
