Hello, I am new to VESC and currently have troubles controlling my VESC with the CAN-BUS. I am using a sparkfun CAN-BUS Shield connected to an Arduino to send CAN messages to VESC for it to move the FOC motor.The arduino is able to send CAN messages to the VESC. On the VESC tool, the CAN analyzer idicates that the VESC is receving the CAN message. However, the motors don't move at all. An example of a CAN message I am sending over to the VESC is:
Extended ID: 0X00000900 , Data: FF FF F1 A6 0 D 0 B4
Are there any examples of the format of the CAN message?
Where did you find any information regarding the format of messages to send? I can't find any documentation on CAN.
Also, if you have an Arduino, why not use UART?
First check if you have same CAN baudrate, if your CAN ID is 10 for example : Send 0x000000A 00 00 27 10 and your motor will run at 10% Duty Cycle
You can use the MCP2515 module and this library to communicate with the vesc over CAN bus.