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Vesc control over CAN

Submitted by meilutisr on Thu, 2021-07-22 16:12

I are running a vesc chassis using 4 vescs, we are able to control them fine going forward but when going backwards, the controller freaks out and spins the motors at really high rpms. if you could point me to how vesc tool handles setting reverse rpms that would be a huge help. We are using a python script that is converting rpms to the hex values for cansend.

Thanks in advance

Stuttering Motor

Submitted by Pollmann Andreas on Wed, 2021-07-21 23:54

Hello Comunity !
I am using a vesc 75/300 on a big outrunner motor without sensor, this system is built in Boat. On 48 Volt battery system.
at 2/3 of the throttle stick the Vesc is starting to stuttering. It seems like it is loosing the synchronization. this happens at 50 amp (battery side)  I can sent a video if it helps ?
what can i do to avoid this ?
I used 20 amp in the detection setup and changed the T? parameter from 1000 to 500 to 250

Configuration of a 2Kg Outrunner Predator 37/6 RC Motor

electricfox's picture
Submitted by electricfox on Mon, 2021-07-19 16:04

I am testing a Predator 37/6 Motor on an Vesc 75/300 with a 28x14 propeller reaching 200 Phaseamps with a 16S Li ion battery without problems. 


The motor is a 2kg sensorless Outrunner 170KV used for RC planes. I am using it in current control in beta fw from 27.06.2021

In detection it suggested 250A. In general the motor is capable of 15KW peak. So in theory I should reach more than 7KW as now.

Is this current reading normal?

Submitted by AliBarrett10 on Sat, 2021-07-17 12:59

Hi all

Fairly new to the VESC project and only just started looking at logs.

Recorded a manual sweep of 0-95% duty cycles to have a look at the current.

Is it normal for the motor and battery current to vary so much? ERPM seems stable at 95% duty cycle, but motor current is varying about 20a and motor current varying about 40a.

Would this be more stable if the motor was tuned better? Are there any resources around this? Youtube videos etc?

Battery/Motor Current on VESC Tool is less than Actuals

Submitted by gowrav on Thu, 2021-07-15 13:27

In the BESC-G2 v1 board that we have assembled the Battery Current shown in the vesc tool is much lower than the actual current measured using Ammeter.

The current meter on the battery end shows a no load battery current of 7Amps when the motor is running at full speed, but the Vesc Tool shows the current to be under 2Amps.

VESC settings to make alternator act as generator

Submitted by Ruhi on Tue, 2021-07-13 12:29

I am working on a project where I need to make my alternator act as a generator and charge the battery.

can someone tell me what setting should I change to make it charge the battery?

Battery specification:

Car battery 

Voltage [V]: 12

Cold test current EN [A]: 390

Battery Capacity [Ah]: 46

Terminal type: EN



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