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Unity HFI but I can only configure one motor

Submitted by ZQuimson on Mon, 2021-06-07 20:02

Sorry if this has been asked before but I'm trying to setup HFI on my Unity and I can only get one motor to setup so far. They both setup and detect just fine through the setup wizard, and so far I have HFI setup on the local Vesc (that's what the Vesc tool said it was and I can tell hfi is working on one motor), but how would I configure HFI for the second motor? I don't see anywhere where I can change the ui to the second motor rather than the first. I tried to scan for can-bus through the tool and it said it's not enabled in this build of VESC Tool.

Runaway on throttle disconnection

Submitted by DavidBike on Sat, 2021-06-05 15:44


I'm running a small sensored hub motor, vesc 6 mkv, twist throttle and 10s lipo batteries on a bike.

It all runs ok.

But when I hop off the bike and go to disconnect, if I disconnect the throttle first the motor starts to run. Not absolutely flat out, but at partial speed.

Obviously I don't want this to happen while I'm riding - for example if I managed to catch the throttle connection by accident and disconnect it 

If I connect up power to vesc and motor before connecting the throttle, no issue. It doesnt run

Want to us a RC radio to control a dual FLIPSKY FSESC6.6 doing skidd stear

Submitted by Dag Lønnerød on Fri, 2021-06-04 23:55

I am struggling to get this config to work. Anyone that has some input on how to configure this? One channel for FWD/REW and one for LEFT/RIGTH was the idea.. Building a large tracked RC controlled rover.

Using the Dual FSESC6.6 Plus from FLIPSKY

General question on tuning vesc

Submitted by stevo11811 on Wed, 2021-06-02 05:06


I'm rather new to VESC due to the fact that i cannot leave anything alone, so far super pleased with the performance vs my old china ESC but i'm left with a few questions i cannot find answers to.

Setup -

Electric Skateboard -

2x Hub motor

10S2P Samsung 40T Cell's.

Hub Current = 40 ea

Hub Regen = 35

Batt Current max = 32

Batt regen = 20

Mode = FOC, hall sensor

Firmware 5.03 - 5/29/2021

Trampa VESC6 USB connectivity problem caused by usb hub?

Submitted by hagoston on Tue, 2021-06-01 10:27

Dear all,

I have 2 Trampa VESC6 MkVs, successfully configured each one separately with the vesc tool via usb cable.

Then I tried to use them at the same time through an usb hub, which didn't work. After that I am unable to connect to the boards separately (usb hub skipped). VESC tool always popup with the following error message: "Could not autoconnect. Make sure that the USB cable is plugged in and that the VESC is powered".


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