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Battery/Motor Current on VESC Tool is less than Actuals

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Last seen: 5 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2019-06-11 16:48
Posts: 17
Battery/Motor Current on VESC Tool is less than Actuals

In the BESC-G2 v1 board that we have assembled the Battery Current shown in the vesc tool is much lower than the actual current measured using Ammeter.

The current meter on the battery end shows a no load battery current of 7Amps when the motor is running at full speed, but the Vesc Tool shows the current to be under 2Amps.

As for diagnostics goes, the Parameters calculated in the FOC for Rs and L and Lambda are almost correct.
The current gain in the configuration file hw_bescg2 is set to be 20.
The INVERTED_SHUNT_POLARITY is also used to eliminate the Unbalanced Current (present in BESC-G2 by default)

The HW Firmware version on the board is 5.02

Last seen: 8 months 3 days ago
Joined: 2017-09-07 22:28
Posts: 232

Are hw shunt values compatible with the sw ver.?