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How to make VESC 4.12 can work with 14S batteries?

Submitted by Ken_chen on Sat, 2018-04-21 04:39

Hi Everyone, 

For the VESC4.12, How to make VESC 4.12 can work with 14S batteries? if just change the components of VESC4.12 BOM, is it can work with 14S batteries?

I have change the components of VESC4.12 BOM to make sure that they are can support 14S, then test it, but it can't work. 





hall sensor calibration.

Submitted by Roger Wolff on Mon, 2018-04-16 11:17

I'm re-initializing the hall sensor table for a motor. I got 99-161-126-26-59-199. Now these are supposed to be evenly distributed on 0-200. Would it make sense to improve the running of the motor a little by by taking a 0-33-67-100-133-167 and rotating it (adding a 0-32 constant to all of them) until it matches the measured numbers as closely as possible? I have done that and set the hall table to 28-62-95-128-162-195 now (in the correct order). 

Extending current shunt amplifier voltage

Submitted by TechAUmNu on Wed, 2018-04-11 00:43

I am currently using all 100v rated components apart from the current shunt amplifiers which only go to 80v. There are no >80v shunt amplifiers avaliable so I need to put something around it to 'float' it at the common mode voltage.

I think this is the most useful app note on the issue

The simplest method is to just add a resistor divider with precision resistors. So I might try that out and see just how bad it is.


Is electronic brake always REGEN?

Submitted by Tilman Baumann on Tue, 2018-04-10 11:16

I'm using analog brake signal with my HAL sensor brake leaver.


I was wondering. Is brake always REGEN or is there also a active brake? (So always negative current or is there a positive current component too?)

I know there is a handbrake feature that actively holds the wheel. But that is something else of course. But it got me wondering.



VESC stopped working, can't connect to USB

Submitted by Hyperion on Mon, 2018-04-09 16:53


I bought three months ago two VESC from DIYELECTRIC SKATEBOARD (
to drive my drone motors. I flashed both of them with Vesc_Tool 0.87 and they worked very well and I was pleased with their performances.

Motor temperature increase

Submitted by e-biker on Sun, 2018-04-08 20:17


Is it possible to increase motor temperature in mainstream VESC Tool to somewhat around 200C? I think 120C is to low for hardcore users. 

Tried to recompile VESC tool from github with no success (missing bluetooth, serial port and some other libraries...). Maybe there is some tutorials how to setup QtCreator? Tried following recommendations from Documentation section.   



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