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VESC stopped working, can't connect to USB

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Last seen: 6 years 11 months ago
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VESC stopped working, can't connect to USB


I bought three months ago two VESC from DIYELECTRIC SKATEBOARD (
to drive my drone motors. I flashed both of them with Vesc_Tool 0.87 and they worked very well and I was pleased with their performances.

However, about two weeks ago, one VESC stopped working and my PC (windows 7) isn't detecting it anymore when I connect it with USB. When I plug the battery,
only the blue led stay solid and the red and green led briefly blink each 3 seconds. I tried changing the cable, different batteries and using on different
PC (windows 10 and 7), but nothing different.

Just recently, the same thing happened to my second VESC and I just don't know why. I checked for possible hardware damages, but the voltage regulators
are perfectly working and by using a oscilloscope, I saw that the processor is clocking correctly.

I checked many forums, but usually, the VESC was just not working at the start and didn't jsut stop working after three months.

I'm looking forward for any advices or solutions for this problem.


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St-Link V2.... try to upload the Bootloader and FW again.


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Im having the exact same problem, can you clarify what you meant @frank

Last seen: 2 years 10 months ago
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He's saying that you need a st-link (or another vesc) to flash the bootloader again. 

Do the vesc still work normally and it's just the usb communication that's broken?

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