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Got the judders

Phill Dixon's picture
Submitted by Phill Dixon on Sun, 2018-05-13 17:45

Twin 118 trampa motors with Vesc 6 l was running a10s 4 p battery no juddering now running 12s 6p went through wizards on Vesc tool ,the board judders on hard acceleration and on hill start ,running foc and sensors,any ideas on what to adjust,

Touchy ADC Connector

Submitted by ebikerevolution on Thu, 2018-05-10 00:40

Hi there,

Relatively new DIY eBiker here. I'm providing current to my motor using a hall-sensing throttle on ADC (3 wire: 3.3V,GND,Signal). However, once everything is set up and written to the VESC, the connection between the throttle and VESC is very touchy. Any physical movement makes the motor spin up. This is a definite safety issue, so does anyone have an idea for a fix to this?




Forum broken.

Submitted by Roger Wolff on Thu, 2018-05-03 08:31

The forum is broken. I just opened a topic, saw no replies and typed in a big response. Then after clicking "SAVE" I still saw only the original question.  Turns out there were three other responses (that I don't know how to see), which may have made my response unnecessary. I'm willing to help and explain but not when my effort goes down the drain. 

Rolling down-hill faster than my board's electric top speed

Submitted by koralle on Tue, 2018-05-01 21:18

Hey there,

I am pretty new to all this and hoping you guys can help me understand something. I really tried soaking up as much information about electric skateboards and vescs as possible before I built one but apparently I missed something which left me in a messy accident.


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