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Braking in speed PID controlled mode

Submitted by vadimz on Sat, 2018-09-15 14:19

Hi all,

I'm trying to configure braking for use in speed controlled mode. The goal is have the motor control speed by regenerative braking with external force applying torque on the load.


I need to limit the torque applied by the motor, and ideally have the motor coast freely when the speed is lower then preset. I tried to achieve that by setting "Motor Current Max" to zero or other low value, while keeping "Motor Current Max Brake" at nominal value. However I see that lowering "Motor Current Max" also removes the braking capability.

Cut-out at >40A

Submitted by thewho on Thu, 2018-09-13 20:24


I've got a persistent problem with one of my Vesc's (4.12), it seems to loose tracking at currents above 40A (motor)

If i set motor current to 35A it works fine, sort of fine around 39A and it's always a problem above 40A.. There are no fault codes or any led error-codes.

When it happens the current graph is all over the place and the erpm graph drops like a stone. The motor shakes/vibrates like crazy. Everything returns to normal if i lower the throttle input.

I've changed:

Vesc and Arduino Interface with ppm control????

Submitted by ruthvikchanda on Mon, 2018-09-10 12:01

We are trying to control the flipsky motor with flipsy esc 4.12 using the Arduino with the potentiometer which gives ppm values. The issue is that the centre value of the ppm is not being constant  and when disconnected with the battery the cdentre value is changing.So anyone can help me doing this?????

The Code used for the vesc and the arduino interface was this:

#include <Servo.h>
#define VescOutputPin 9

Custom controlling software

Submitted by neuromancer2701 on Tue, 2018-09-04 02:09

I am attempting to use a VESC 4.12 to control a 13" hub motor I got off of alibaba.  I have been able to get it spinning with the VESC tool in BLDC senor mode(halls).

But the movement is very rough seems like there is  a delay between commutation states.  So any tips on clean that up would be appreciated.


My overall project I am trying to create a outdoor rover with 4 and 6 hub motors.  I am working on the Proof of Concept right now with two hub motors.

How to erase whole flash with OpenOCD?

Frazatto's picture
Submitted by Frazatto on Mon, 2018-09-03 14:56

I successfully brought back from the dead a VESC with wrong firmware, now I'm facing a last problem that I can't find a precise answer, maybe you can help.

The problem now is that I have power on the VESC, blue led turns on and STlink is working, but I still get no connection with USB on VESCtool.
It seams very much like the issue described on this thread:
But I don't understand how to erase the whole flash in OpenOCD.

Speed control tuning for 500-1000 RPM

Submitted by vadimz on Sun, 2018-09-02 18:09

Hardware 4.12, firmware 3.40, FOC, ABI encoder, 350kV motor

Hi forum !

I'm looking for guidelines / advise on tuning speed controller for smooth operation in relatively low speed range (500-1000RPM) with varying load. 

With default wizard-generated parameters I'm seeing uneven speed and practically no torque response to load - see screenshot below.


Thanks for any help


VESC screenshot.png

What temerpature sensor and how do I use it?

Submitted by evoheyax on Wed, 2018-08-29 19:22

I have a motor with hall effect sensors, but no temp sensor. I was actually thinking of using the temp sensor input from the vesc 6 to monitor my battery temp, since my motor never gets very warm, but my battery is getting very hot.


Can anyone recommend a temp sensor that could be used with the vesc for this?


I saw someone recommend the Farnell NTCLG100E2103JB in another thread, but I don't see how that is to be wired up.


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