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Set and measure RPM - Questions

Submitted by Piep on Thu, 2018-11-08 16:10

Hey guys,

I don't have any experiences with BLDC motors yet, but already informed me about the principle function. What I am lacking is above all experience and I really hope you can help me with that. The project I have to do has different specifications than models or motorized boards, so it is difficult for me to find the needed information.

enertionboard focbox : is vesc_tool safe to use?

Submitted by fourchette on Wed, 2018-11-07 23:49


disclaimer: i'm still new to VESC :D

i got my hands on an enertionboard focbox =>

However, the software they support is named blcd_tool.exe and i suspect it is in fact an older version that has been replaced by vesc_tool

HArd power off switch

Submitted by jakaranda on Mon, 2018-10-29 11:15


I am building an electric surfboard using the vesc6 controller.

I am looking for a simple solution to have the power shut off when I fall off. The idea being to minimize the likelihood that I get sliced by the propeller when I fall in. 

I was thinking of having a switch on the input power from the batteries. 

I am worried though that a sudden input power shut off may damage the vesc or parts downstream?


Would that be the case, any recommendations?


Thank you



FOC Calibration over CAN

Submitted by thisisjaye on Fri, 2018-10-26 13:15

For my application, the VESC is buried in an enclosure and is being commanded by a microcomputer via CAN. I often need to replace the wheels and it is not ideal to have to disassemble to the robot and break waterproof seals in order to re calibrate the VESC to a new motor. Has anyone tried to calibrate their VESC  without a PC running VESC tool? It would be convenient if the steps could be commanded over CAN from a micro controller. 

PPM valure seems wrong

Submitted by KKKim on Tue, 2018-10-23 10:56

I have HW 4.12 SW 3.40 VESC from maytech.


using it with pxhawk, I, controlling it with PPM signal, the vesc and pixhawk looks OK, but the signal read at VESC is not correct.


the px4 is sending 1.5ms(checked it.)

but the vesc is reading around 1.3ms~

I can change the start and End value, but the real problem is that

I want to control 3 vesc with 1 pixhawk output pin, and it changes when I connect multi VESCs.


anyone can guess why this happening?

VESC TOOL ADC Voltage mapping too low. SOLVED

Ecyclist's picture
Submitted by Ecyclist on Fri, 2018-10-19 22:38

I’m running my VESC6 with Hall throttle by using COMM 5V ADC1. Unfortunately, VESC tool can map only up to 3.3V, so I can’t use full range of my throttle.

On my other setup with VESC 4.12 and BLDC TOOL I can map and set Max. V to match my throttle at about 3.85V and use full range.

It looks like VESC tool is limited in that respect.

Can VESC TOOL be brought to the same level as BLDC TOOL?

Position Control with Resolver

Submitted by robo_studienarbeit on Tue, 2018-10-16 18:57

Hey guys,

I want to ask you if it is possible to detect the position of the rotor with a resolver technique. I did not find any possibilities in VESC tool.

If it is not possible: Can I transfer the actual position (from a Resolver to Digital Converter) to the VESC, so it can regulate the position?


ADC & UART. Bluetooth not working.

Submitted by simon.rawlings on Sat, 2018-10-13 20:35

I've got a vesc6 running the latest firmware, in my E-bike (DD hub) using 2 hall sensor throttles on ADC 1 & 2 for brakes and throttle. (No reverse). A nrf51xxx Bluetooth adapter wired into Rx and TX. 

I'm trying to connect the android version of the vesc tool.  I see the bluetooth adapter and it initally connects but then gives the error "could not read firmware version..."

I've tried changing the baudrate from the default to 9600. And tried switching the Rx & TX cables on both baudrates. The error was the same. 


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