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Problem with encoder readings with arduino

Submitted by ruthvikchanda on Thu, 2018-12-06 07:06

we are getting the encoder readings from the vesc using basic arduino but the issue is that the readings or anaolg value for revolution is varying in two directions..i.e for  example  if the motor is rotating right for 10sec the encoder reading is 200 and if the motor is rotating left for 10sec the encoder reading is somwere around 300 or 100 .its is keep on varying but not a constant value.What is actual problem??? Can anyone solve this out??

problem with encoder readings for proper feedback using arduino

Submitted by ruthvikchanda on Thu, 2018-12-06 07:05

we are getting the encoder readings from the vesc using basic arduino but the issue is that the readings or anaolg value for revolution is varying in two directions..i.e for  example  if the motor is rotating right for 10sec the encoder reading is 200 and if the motor is rotating left for 10sec the encoder reading is somwere around 300 or 100 .its is keep on varying but not a constant value.What is actual problem??? Can anyone solve this out??

Melting issues in FOC (VESC4.2)

Submitted by e-nduro on Mon, 2018-12-03 21:51

Hello, I am not sure if this topic is already explained in another place, but I couldn't find specific info about it.

I am trying to get the best low-rpm torque for my e-bike application with a VESC4, but when doing tests in a dyno this is the second time I burn the VESC in FOC mode at low rpm.

I am testing in both sensored and sensorless mode:

Lawn mower

Submitted by charper on Mon, 2018-12-03 14:25

I have fitted the largest motor I could find to my fiskars stay sharp push reel mower to drive the reel only. Using a vesc v4 to drive the reel and using an Arduino to give me throttle on a switch. Working in pid mode perfectly. 

CAN Bus Control by External Host

josh's picture
Submitted by josh on Fri, 2018-11-30 06:43

Hello everyone,

I am currently working to implement CAN bus control of multiple VESC's from an external microcontroller host since it is the most robust communication between them IMO. So far I have been able to send commands to each VESC with the extended ID frame and successfully execute commands such as set_current() and set_duty(). The next thing I would like to do is receive data from each VESC about voltages, currents, RPM's, faults, etc.

Fried C51(?) on my VESC 4.12

spork's picture
Submitted by spork on Tue, 2018-11-27 07:00

I have an off-road board that uses two parallel setups.  Two batteries, two motors, and two VESC's.  The batteries are 6S.  It's been doing great.  Recently I added Hall sensors inside the motors and changed the VESC's to run in hybrid mode (sensored at low ERPM and unsensored at higher ERPM).  Not FOC.  It ran nicely with the new sensors for a few days; but today one of them fried.  My buddy was just cruising around a level parking lot at very low speed.  No idea what went wrong.  But it looks

vesc <-> arduino micro troubleshooting UART issues

Submitted by fourchette on Mon, 2018-11-26 11:59


I'm trying to get the simple UART example from SolidGeek arduino UART lib to work (on an arduino micro)

The sample (and lib) does compile and upload just fine.

However, all I get is "Failed to get data!" message that seems to happens when there is a hardware communication problem.

VESC firmware 3.4 (i used the latest VESCT_tool to configure them).

Using reverse with a spare channel

spork's picture
Submitted by spork on Mon, 2018-11-26 07:08

I'd like to add reverse to my board, but I don't want to control it directly via the throttle channel.  I'd prefer a separate input to the VESC that tells it I want reverse mode, and then I'd use the throttle channel to control the speed in reverse.  Does anyone know if the VESC has any such input?


Thanks very much!


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