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Help with translating/converting hall sensor values from BLDC to FOC

Submitted by theviith on Thu, 2018-10-11 09:47

Hi guys,
Does anyone know how to translate hall sensor values from BLDC to FOC?
For example, my current hall sensor values under BLDC is: -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 3, 6, 4 and I want to input this value into the hall sensor table under FOC mode in such a way that it would understand. Based off of some research, I know that a -1 or 0 value in BLDC is equivalent to 255 in FOC. But what about for other values like 3, 6, 4, etc?? Is there a conversion table available to show which values in BLDC corresponds to values in FOC?

Vesc is not working

Submitted by Patryk on Mon, 2018-10-08 18:48

I've connected vesc to my laptop and I tried to update hardware to 410&411&412 version. I thought that everythink was all right, becouse laptop was connected (serial) to COM5 and it was written Fw:3.40, Hw 410. So I tried to set up motor setting wizard. I clicked bldc type after that I set up motor current limits, battery current limits. I choose voltage limits. After, I choose no hall sensor. And I tried to detect bldc parameters. I saw that motor is not spinning and then in my computer was written that detection failed. After that vesc is not working.

Dead VESC. Power up when motor is spinning.

Submitted by Bor Zabric on Mon, 2018-10-08 10:16


I fried an focbox by pedaling my ebike @10 kmh and powering up the focbox.

It stuttered and started braking when I applied the throttle. On further inspection the high side mosfet on phase 2 was blown. Long story short gave it to a guy to fix who damaged the pcb gate got shorted to Vin and blew the dvr and I gave up.

Now I bought the VESC 6 from trampa boards. 

VESC for small drone (<1kg)

Submitted by iKrosoft on Wed, 2018-10-03 16:40


Because they support FOC I'm thinking about using VESCs to control a small coaxial drone (500g to 1kg). Of course I'll scale down the power part, since I'll need around 5A max per motor.

Still I've found surprisingly few other attempts at using VESCs for drones. Is there a reason why VESCs wouldn't be suited for that kind of use?

(Also I expect around 4000 RPM max, so with 7 poles motors that's 28000 eRPM. I've read the v6 can go up to 150000 eRPM so I don't think speed should be an issue either.)

Thank you

Wiring two VESCs

Submitted by neuromancer2701 on Mon, 2018-10-01 14:42

So currently I have two 4.12 VESCs running two hub motors with two 36V battery packs.  This is for a robotic application so I want to have an e-stop between the batteries and VESCs.

Putting both batteries in parallel should just make a single larger capacity battery.  Would this have any adverse effects on the either of the VESC because now they are using the same supply? e.g. back-emf, droop, etc



Compiling in a different config.

Submitted by Roger Wolff on Mon, 2018-09-17 17:07


Sometimes, you are going to produce a bunch of boards paired with a suitable motor that works best with a motorconfig that is currently not the default. 

Then you might want to skip configuring the VESC through VESC tool for each produced board: Just flash the required binary and have the default config work out of the box. 


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