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What is a common motor efficiency? I'm at 72%

Submitted by ever.summer on Tue, 2019-05-28 05:02

So the motor company sends a video showing the motors they sent can do 5680 rpm at 28.8V, but a Flipsky 6.6+ VESC is only getting 4090 rpm at 29V in FOC mode...

I believe one of two scenarios are at play here:

1) the motor company has faulty measurement equipment and the motor isn't doing 5680 rpm

2) my VESC is only 72% efficient

Lets assume #1 is not the case, then is 71% efficiency common? Is there anything I can do beyond the awesome super easy motor setup that Benjamin made with his new VESC setup mobile app?

half speed on FOC vs BLDC

Submitted by ever.summer on Tue, 2019-05-28 00:04

Hey there!

I have been running BLDC for a while now and getting up to 43kmh but I just switched to FOC and I cannot get a speed above 18kmh.

My setup is the Flipsky 6.6+, dual motor control. The duty cycle is hitting 95-100% and I have tried programming for medium and small motors, and also programming with and without the timing belt installed. So far, still getting this 18kmh speed limit. I saved the settings and according to the mobile app the max speed is 87kmh so I don't know why I'm being speed limited.

Autodetection values way off

Submitted by thewho on Sat, 2019-05-25 20:34

So I'm trying to get FOC to play nice and realized that the autodetected motordata changes a lot with different input voltages etc.

On 4.12 @20V I get:

  • 30.6mOhm
  • 41.40 uH
  • 21.388mWb
  • 2.19 O.G

A200S V2 @62V:

  • 29.6mOhm
  • 50.96uH
  • 23.293mWb
  • 1.84 O.G

So not that far off since it's on different hardware. But when i do my own measurements we see values far off the "autodetected" ones:

Sync loss when switching from HALL to sensorless

Submitted by blezalex on Fri, 2019-05-24 19:00

VESC 6, controlling 1000w 8in hub motor with 18 in tire. No load added. ~50v power suppply.


Motor runs OK in hall mode (i set sensorless ermp to 8000, 6000erpm is the max RPM this motor can reach)

If i set sensorless model to 2500 or 1500 ermp, motor knocks really bad when reaches that speed and fails to accelerate. I tried doubling and halving observer gain, motor runs somewhat OK when observer gain is reduced 10x from what its detected value is 0.6 to 0.04

I would appreciate the ideas to solving this tracking problem


Trapezoidal/ s curve trajectory/"Position Mode" RPM control of BLDC motor

Submitted by Vishwa Brahmaiah on Fri, 2019-05-24 18:22

Hello All,

I am fairly new to the VESC. 

I want to understand how the VESC is capable of a closed loop position mode, where it controls the motor through position feed back and desired position.

Standard industrial controllers have velocity mode, position mode, and torque mode. 
Most of the videos online seem to just talk about Velocity mode for the VESC, where you input a speed and the motor tries to get there as fast as possible (depending on the current limit, etc.).

Arduino UART communication HW4.10 FW3.56

Submitted by joseguerra on Wed, 2019-05-22 13:01

Hello Guys,

For the past few days i have been trying to read data from VESC 4 using an Arduino Mega into the serial monitor. As a first approach, I am using VESC Tool (v1.012) to command the VESC and then send the data to the Arduino, so far unsuccessfully. For context, the Hardware version is 4.10 and Firmware is 3.56. Below follows a list of the things that I have already tried, which might give you light on what i am maybe missing here:

From the VESC Tool:

-Used UART app combinations (UART, PPM+UART, ADC+UART)

From the hardware:

Where to connect the Button for Reverse driver?, in ADC mode (Ebike throttle)

Submitted by Astropower on Sun, 2019-05-19 22:10

Hello Everyone,

I have renew a old Electric ATV for Kids, i took out the old motor, and i put 70KV 80100 Outrunner. Which connected to 48V 30Ah (120A Peak) Lithium Pack.

The VESC6 software works fantastic.

I dont know where to connect the reverse driver button ? Which port it belong too ? ADC2 ?  and should i give 3.3V or 5V or just GND signal ? to where?


Thank you in advance. 




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