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Custom application and UART

Submitted by Dennis Freiburg on Sat, 2020-01-11 13:19

Hey there, 

i am running a custom application for an e-bike using Hall signals as well as an ADC input for a Potentiometer.

This is all working great but i want to use UART for a Bluetooth module together with the custom application.

Is there any possibility to start the UART application in the custom application?

Few questions

Submitted by ElectroMagneto on Thu, 2020-01-09 23:57


I am designing a small IPM motor and I need to select a controller for the motor. I am thinking of using VESC® 6 MKIII.

I have a few questions and just want to make sure if VESC is right for me and if it supports everything I need.

I tried to find the answers myself, but not sure if those answers are correct.

Anyhow, I would be grateful if someone can answer to following questions (or to confirm my assumptions):

1) Does the VESC support sensorless FOC with MTPA (maximum torque per ampere) control?

Solved: Cruise Control: Push to Activate; Cancel on BRK or Throttle Touched

Submitted by vadicus on Wed, 2020-01-08 23:47

Update 10/25/2023:

3+ years after posting this, I still see people asking about it without a solution in sight, so I bit the bullet and spent a a few hours getting this to work, so I am sure it will be useful for many people that inquired over the years as well.

How to set up RF receiver for PPM or UART input?

Submitted by adamdorr on Tue, 2020-01-07 16:23

Hi All,

I’ve seen a few videos and how-to tutorials where people connect to the VESC using a wireless Nyko Kama nunchuk controller (no longer available, unfortunately). Basically, the wireless RF receiver is just plugged into the VESC input port and the VESC tool can be configured to interpret the incoming signal. It looks like the VESC can just automatically understand the input from the nunchuk.

Accessing the status LEDs

Submitted by hrucker009 on Sun, 2020-01-05 20:09

I'm working on a project in which the VESC will be mounted inside the machine such that the status LEDs can't be seen. I would like to mount my own LEDs on the outside of the machine. Is there a way I can connect my external LEDs to access and display the same information the LEDs on the VESC show? Thanks!

- Hal

Can you use both axes on a 2-axis nunchuck/joystick controller with VESC?

Submitted by adamdorr on Tue, 2019-12-31 22:05

Hi everyone, sorry to be a noob, but I am just exploring options for a VESC-based project and I wanted to double-check to find out of both of the 2 axes on a 2-axis joystick / wii nunchuk style controller are usable with VESC. It's hard to tell from the forums and other videos whether or not people are using both axes on the joystick, or just one.

Can anyone confirm, and offer any advice/suggestions?

UART Accel/Gyro/Mag data

NATUITION's picture
Submitted by NATUITION on Sat, 2019-12-28 11:25

Hey everybody,

I've looking for a solution to obtain the accel/gyro/mag data from VESC using UART on a linux machine

At the moment I can see needed values using VESC tool in IMU Data using com port, but when I am trying to read this com port without vesc tool - no data at all

I've found several similar subjects in the forum, but no clear answer


Thanks in advance,

Natuition team


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