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How to start with vesc source code ?

Submitted by cmarc on Tue, 2020-01-28 15:48


I was looking at to be able to customize vesc for my needs (faster start/stop time for the engine, reaching pre-determinated speeds, and also investigates two situations where I crash the board and have to unplug/replug it to have it working again)

However I didn't found any documentation, is there some cheat-sheet somewhere to help me dive in it ?


Protect psu from regenerative braking

Submitted by KarlGreger on Tue, 2020-01-28 03:45

I am building a force feedback wheel using a hoverboard motor and a VESC. To power this I am currently using an ATX power supply but will probably upgrade to a 36v psu as the need for more torque comes.

My problem is that for this to work I need to brake the motor, but this means that the VESC will push current back into my psu. I need a way to somehow bleed off the current or in some other way protect the psu as it can not handle the regenerative braking.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

How trottle input by wire?

Submitted by Heimfried on Mon, 2020-01-27 17:49

I've got 2 VESC's 6 MKIII and will use them to control my BLDC Motors for boat (katamaran) drive use. At moment I'm not interested in radio control and will input speed control signal via wire. After a lot of reading I didn't find what pins to use for it. Please be patient with me - I'm an old guy with some technical knowlegde but not on electronics. Is the connector line signed "COMM" the right one? Which pins are to use?

How to connect MPU6050 breakout board to VESC 4.12

Submitted by klucznik on Sun, 2020-01-26 19:11

I'm trying to connect my MPU6500 sensor to VESC firmware using VESC tool.

I've connected VCC, GND, SCL and SDA lines, then selected "Balance" app in general app settings, finally, I've chosen the IMU_TYPE_EXTERNAL_MPU9X50.

Unfortunately, the "mpu_status" command in VESC Terminal says the "MPU9x50 not found". There is no sensor output.

I can connect to this MPU6050 breakout board using Arduino Nano.

What could be wrong? What am I missing?


Setting PI / PID controllers in VESC for very low speeds. For CNC

Submitted by K@RLSON on Sat, 2020-01-25 21:06

I want to apply VESC as a servo controller for a CNC machine. I am sure that many people have already done this.

But I need to control the speed of the servo motor. Because I want to control the position above the level in the brain of the CNC machine.

My problem is that I can’t get the “perfect” speed control at very low speeds. From 1-2 rpm (30-60 ERPM). There are constant fluctuations, which are small in value, but large in% of the assignment (tens of percent).

Controlling a Tank

Submitted by JulianT on Thu, 2020-01-23 10:06


Maybe i first talk about the setting: Two 13“ (about 255mm) Wheels on each side with a hoover board Motor inside each wheel. A normal ppm remote controller with an Arduino after the receiver for mixing the forward and direction signal. Output of the Arduino is ppm again going to the 2 controller via Y-Cable on each side. VESC setting is PID controller (set RPM) with the standard settings.

How do you wire one power-on push button to two VESC 6 MIIIs?

Submitted by adamchicago on Mon, 2020-01-20 23:01

How do you wire one 5V push button power switch to two VESC 6 MIIIs?

I'm guessing you only wire the single power button's 5V and GND to one VESC and then splice the power button's C1 and NC into both VESCs? ...or maybe the GND also gets spliced into both VESC's, or what is the correct way?



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