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Vesc_tool running error

Submitted by kwlimm on Sun, 2020-01-19 10:01

I got an error while running vesc_tool_2.00. I downloaded on jetson tx2, and tried to run the files, but it failed. Is there any solutions? 

nvidia@tegra-ubuntu:~/vesc-tool$ ./vesc_tool_2.00 

bash: ./vesc_tool_2.00: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error

nvidia@tegra-ubuntu:~/vesc-tool$ sudo bash ./vesc_tool_2.00

./vesc_tool_2.00: ./vesc_tool_2.00: cannot execute binary file


Noob: Enabling VESC 6 MKIII switch and hibernate

Submitted by adamchicago on Thu, 2020-01-16 16:34

As a Trampa ESK8 owner with two VESC 6 MKIII's, I'm interested in enabling the power-on switch and hibernate mode capability...can someone guide me to instructions/manual for setting this up?  I'm aware it would require a 5V switch (any recommendations of existing button switches?) and it looks like MAYBE you connect the switch to the CAN GND and COM Switch but it doesn't really say if that's where the button switch is connected or if you just bridge those to enable the option??  And then how are both the switch and hibernation modes enabled in the firmware? there

custom firmware

Submitted by vufmihai on Thu, 2020-01-16 09:06

hello guys

im not very good with programing

I built for my son a custom ride on car powered by flipsky vesc 6.6 plus with 2 x 3250w motors . it runs on 24v batteries for now

i need some help programing the vesc. i probably need a custom firmware or something

the car needs to run PPM and ADC for safety reasons or at least switch betwin them without having to program the input every time thru a switch

Can any one help me with this? i am happy to pay 

current control mode with duty cycle limit based on throttle

Submitted by devin on Thu, 2020-01-16 05:45

i think someone over on the skateboard forum is requesting some mods to the current control mode and i think it does make a bit of sense but requires some tweaks.

basically they still want current control, but when they apply 50% of throttle they don't want the motor to turn more than 50% of no load speed, but they also want the motor to coast as they release the throttle.

i think it can be done in current control if the % throttle not only sets the motor current command, but also sets a limit to the duty cycle at the same % as the throttle.

Push FW .bin File to Controller

Submitted by vadicus on Wed, 2020-01-15 20:23

I've been working to implement OTA update for my custom hardware which has Arduino connected to UART. The Arduino has pre-loaded VESC firmware .bin image. I figured out most of the communication protocol and I can send commands to VESC and receive data back. The communication protocol has two packet types: below or above 256 bytes. The package type and length of the package is identified in the header of the packet and CRC is added to the end.

Alternator custom VESC hardware: Looking for collaborators

Submitted by jon@ifold on Wed, 2020-01-15 20:11

Hello All,

Like many others, I'm going down the path of converting a car alternator to give me a cheap but chunky BLDC to drive a kart.

Alternators are great for this: big solid frame, bearings and shaft, cooling fans. Just all-round heavy duty and built to last.

So far I did a quick proof of concept with a BMW/mini alternator rated to 110A and it was no problem at all, spinning up beautifully on a small RC ESC I had. With this quick success, I'm ready to move forward and build a heavy duty VESC to drive it hard and see what it can do.

Holding torque in "Duty Cycle" mode

Submitted by Petja on Mon, 2020-01-13 01:19

Hello everybody!  I faced a problem: when I use control type "Duty Cycle" and throttle (control type ADC) has full stop position, driver draw current nearly 0.1A (sometimes generate 0.1A). This current creates holding torque.

But I want to ride free-wheel on my bike. I saw the answer by Benjamin in this topic:


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