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vesc tool not giving me the right values

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Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2020-05-14 09:47
Posts: 11
vesc tool not giving me the right values

I'm using the VESC to control a reaction wheel for my thesis. However, the motor setup (FOC) in the vesc tool is not working for me. It does detect R, L and the flux linkage but the values are very off from the data sheet of the motor. When I enter the values from the data sheet instead the wheel just doesn't want to spin. It makes a weird sound but that's it. Any ideas why this is happening? (it doesn't spin with the values obtained from the vesc tool either so..) 

When I instead try with the BLDC settings, the detection is not working at all. When I get to the detect BLDC parameters page the current used for detection is set to 5A but I change this to 0,3 since the rated current for my motor is 0,35 A. Is this a problem? 

I'm using 10V from a power supply, do I need more voltage for the vesc to work properly? The motor can only handle 7V and now I have solved this by lowering the maximum duty cycle. 

Would really appreciate the help!