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PPM Arduino throttle AND UART Bluetooth Monitor AND brake lever for braking

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Last seen: 1 year 2 months ago
Joined: 2020-06-06 06:08
Posts: 3
PPM Arduino throttle AND UART Bluetooth Monitor AND brake lever for braking

Hello. I've searched the internet and the forums and cannot get a good idea if this can be done:

I would like to have my scooter use it's hall throttle, and it's brake lever for ebrakes and use the Bluetooth for monitoring.

My setup:

I have a VESC that attaches to a nano Arduino through the servo connector (which is attached to my scooter hall throttle). I use an Arduino, because I have a button that holds the PPM signal for cruise. 

I would like to connect my brake lever (which has a switch built in) to the vesc for ebraking. I a Leo want to still be able to use the Bluetooth module and android app for monitoring things. 


Can anyone help me with this?  

I can do ADC 1 and 2 with UART but I loose the ability to use cruise, right? 

I would really like to have my cruise, my brake lever ebrake, and the Bluetooth monitoring. 


Thank you, in advance for all the wisdom and help. 


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