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Servo Mode / ODrive on VESC

Submitted by JulianT on Tue, 2020-02-04 09:19


i seems that the source code have some servo functions, but i didn t managed to find more real Information in the Web.

Is it possible to use the VESC as a Servo controller together with a sensored 3-Phase brushless Motor ?

(Setting Current and Speed, commutation is fixed, read back from the sensor maybe used to decrease the current until steplost happens).

If this is not possible at the Moment: are there any plans to implement this function?

Inconsistent battery current

Submitted by Jean Fourcade on Mon, 2020-02-03 06:28

Good morning all,

I use a VESC 75v 300A with an Alien Power CA80 electric motor. VESC is a very good product and has great functionality  !

Unfortunately, during the tests I found an inconsistent battery current.

On the following graph at the end the motor current is 145.22A and the Duty cycle 90.00%. So I should have a battery current of around 145.22 x 0.9 = 130A. However, the value indicated is 99A, very far from that calculated.

Can you help ?



Can larger BLDC motors be controlled with VESC?

Submitted by Heimfried on Sun, 2020-02-02 21:29

Hello all,
my intention was to control 2 BLDC motors with VESC6 MKIII (one each). The electrical values of these motors are within the VESC's rage (48 V, 80 A max), but they weigh 7.8 kg. Starting the VESC Tool FOC wizard the heaviest motors mentioned there are about 2 kg. And at the screen occures a warning not to choose a wrong weight - this could destroy the motor.
Is the VESC able to control my motor? (HPM3000L, 48V,
Gruß, Günter

Need Wiring Diagram for 2xLipo Series with 2x MK3 Button Start

Submitted by adamchicago on Thu, 2020-01-30 19:47

Anyone have a lipo power cable wiriing diagram for the MK3 pushbutton start setup when using 2x Lipos in series on a Trampa ESK8 mountain board.  The part that's throwing me off is the charging it ok to charge the lipos on the same port that is connected directly to the 2x MK3s?  I imagine they're built to handle the charging amps but am not really sure how that is supposed to be setup.

Thanks for any help!:)


How does VESC measure the flux?

Submitted by Jongwon on Thu, 2020-01-30 04:45

While tuning the motor, how does the VESC measure the magnetic flux?

If it calculates from voltage produced on each phase, then does it counts IR term with back-EMF?

Or does it assume that back-EMF = total voltage produced on each phase?

Because for most motors which is laminated, they need very small current to rotate with un-loaded condition so IR term could be assumed 0.

But the motor I'm testing is not laminated so it needs high current to rotate, which means IR term isn't negligible.

Strange HFI results

Submitted by Ebike_Ninja on Thu, 2020-01-30 01:06

I tested HFI today on an e-bike geared hub motor, and was getting promising but intermittent results.

I followed Benjamin's video and used the plotter to see if I could tune the HFI parameters for better results.

No matter how much/little voltage I give it, the result for 'full brake' looks like this:

HFI test 1.jpg

Any advice?

I will try a different motor and update this post if there are any changes.


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